Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion to save lives and secure strong futures.

We champion innovative solutions across multiple sectors, ensuring our approaches are as dynamic and diverse as the communities we serve. In 2024, we combined with IntraHealth International, a longtime pioneer in solving global health challenges by focusing on health systems and the people who power them.

Together, we envision a world of expanded opportunity, where crises give way to resilience and all people have the care and resources they need to thrive.

4.4 million+

people reached to meet urgent needs and build long-term resilience


healthy meals served to 300,000 primary school students in three countries

$249 million

in loans to entrepreneurs, small businesses and homeowners to increase economic opportunity

Program Spotlight: Syria LIFE

A Lifeline for Communities Affected by Conflict

In Syria, more than 16 million people remain in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. The country is at a tipping point: the recent change in authorities offers some hope for a peaceful future, but instability brought on by severe humanitarian need presents opportunities for rival entities like Iran and Russia and armed groups such as ISIS to exert influence within Syria and threaten national and regional security, particularly for United States allies in the Middle East.

Global Communities’ Lifesaving Interventions for Emergencies (LIFE) program focuses on vital food security, shelter, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene activities for populations in northwest and northeast Syria most affected by conflict. These communities were displaced and targeted by ISIS and are disproportionately at risk from regional instability and security gaps.

Through LIFE, Global Communities reached an estimated 146,000 people with food assistance in 2024, including more than 46,000 people with nearly 6 million metric tons of food assistance across four camps in northeast Syria. Global Communities also provided the entire population of a camp in northwest Syria—more than 127,000 displaced people—with safe water.

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We believe resilience is built together - across organizations, within communities, alongside governments, but most importantly, in partnership with people.

Because we were founded in the cooperative housing movement, a community-led approach has been central to our work from the very start. Global Communities prioritizes nimble, evidence-based programs developed in partnership with communities impacted by poverty, disasters and conflict.


We have deep roots in more than 30 countries around the world.

We stand with communities at the forefront of their own development in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Global Intersections


Humanitarian-Development Nexus

Global Communities designs community-based programs that respond to humanitarian assistance and sustainable development needs, while aiming to build social cohesion, and advance the equity, health and wellbeing of the planet and its people.


Evidence, Learning and Adaptation

Global Communities recognizes the importance of how we capture, manage and utilize our data, evidence & knowledge to continuously apply learning, improve program quality, and demonstrate impact.


Local Capacity Strengthening

Global Communities’ approach to partnership leverages and expands local capacity and cultivates locally-led change to achieve transformational, sustainable and scalable impact.



Global Communities is building an innovation ecosystem that will accelerate the designing, prototyping, and scaling of frontier solutions to the world’s most complex development challenges.


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