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Enterprise Development Factsheet
Published 03/13/2014 by Global Communities

Enterprise Development Factsheet
At Global Communities, we are focused on people. We believe in the promise of our partner communities and are committed to investing in their success. All of our work is designed to give our partner communities the tools they need to drive the development of their lives and livelihoods. We are committed to assisting the sectors needed for economic growth, such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs, but we also believe that investment is measured in both financial and human progress. We take our slogan “Partners for Good” seriously – both doing good and creating real and permanent, positive change.
Utilizing a pro-poor value chain approach, we work with micro, small and medium enterprises to leverage opportunities for growth through improvement in production and quality control, business management, and facilitation of new market linkages. We build the capacity of new and growing entrepreneurs with technical skills development, management training, access to finance, cooperative development, and access to market information – leading to increased sales, employment and incomes.
Download the factsheet here.