From Policy to Practice: The HIV Care and Treatment Project’s Experiences in Transitioning to an Optimized Regimen in Honduras
This poster, presented in 2024 at the 25th International AIDS Conference by IntraHealth International – Global Communities’ subsidiary – highlights the results of capacity strengthening interventions aimed at ensuring effective implementation of the national plan to transition to an optimized HIV treatment regimen in Honduras.
Main finding. Transition of regimens represents a logistical challenge to health systems, requiring capacity strengthening interventions for key stakeholders, including the national government and HIV clinics at the local level.
Key takeaway. To guarantee sustainability of global coverage in optimized regimens, it is important to constantly monitor and analyze progress, and to ensure effective coordination of key actors.
Authors. José Abdo Retana, Ana Isabel Escobar, Fabiola Castillo, David Nelson, Esther Tumbare, Anne Fitzgerald Vinluan, David Dobrowolski, Ramon Soto and Daniel Muralles.
Project. HIV Care and Treatment Project in Central America, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Published 09/05/2024 by Global Communities