Annual Report 2023


Building on more than three decades of experience in Africa, we partnered with communities across nine countries in 2023 to expand access to healthy school meals, aid pastoralists through one of the longest and most severe droughts in history, and drive health transformation through community-led strategies and systems strengthening. We also supported women’s savings groups and young worker cooperatives to lay the groundwork for more equitable economic growth.


daily school meals served, reaching 33,702 students in 131 schools in Madagascar


people gained access to safe water in Ghana with the completion of 15 mechanized boreholes and 13 NUMA systems


young adults in Ethiopia provided with business training to pursue economic activities beyond pastoralism


cooperative members in Kenya received coaching to enhance their business performance


Savings groups established with our technical assistance to promote the social and economic empowerment of households caring for vulnerable children and adolescents


Our Work in Africa


Our Work in Africa

The cooperative allows us to be our own bosses. It allows youth to have clear job opportunities and jobs that we can do with passion.

John Karika
Secretary of Transparency Auto Worker Cooperative


Our Work in Other Regions

The Americas

The Americas

In 2023, Global Communities partnered directly with local leaders, governments, schools, businesses and civil society organizations to catalyze sustainable and positive change, improving the lives and livelihoods of people in seven countries across the Americas. Whether working with birthing families in California or farmers in Central America, we prioritized breaking down barriers to care, resources and essential interventions that give everyone the chance to thrive.

Europe & Asia

In 2023, Global Communities worked in six countries in Europe and Asia, connecting young people, women and other marginalized groups with economic opportunities and tools to lift their own voices, lead their communities and secure healthier, more prosperous futures. As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continued into its second year, Global Communities also remained committed to increasing the safety and well-being of those who have been displaced or affected by the war.

Europe and Asia
Middle East

Middle East

Global Communities has leveraged decades of learnings across the Middle East to respond to the most pressing humanitarian needs caused by conflict and crises. Despite myriad challenges, our teams and local partners worked with steadfast dedication to provide lifesaving emergency relief to individuals and families, while also helping businesses, communities and local governments heal, rebuild and plan for a sustainable recovery.