Annual Report 2023

Global Communities has leveraged decades of learnings across the Middle East to respond to the most pressing humanitarian needs caused by conflict and crises. Despite myriad challenges, our teams and local partners worked with steadfast dedication to provide lifesaving emergency relief to individuals and families, while also helping businesses, communities and local governments heal, rebuild and plan for a sustainable recovery.

food parcels distributed in Gaza, supporting 386,245 individuals affected by the Israel/Palestinian War
individuals provided with WASH non-food item assistance to improve their living conditions in Yemen
women and girls in Syria reached with comprehensive protection and gender-based violence risk mitigation services
individuals learned about behavior change interventions to improve infant and young child feeding practices
$99 million
total amount of loans disbursed to 5,177 clients in Jordan through Vitas Group, a for-profit subsidiary of Global Communities
Our Work in the Middle East

In 2023, Global Communities continued addressing the most pressing humanitarian needs of Yemeni host communities and internally displaced people while planning for a sustainable recovery.

Global Communities began providing humanitarian assistance in Syria in 2014, following the start of an armed conflict that has lasted more than a decade and uprooted more than half of the country’s population.

Palestine (The West Bank & Gaza)
After the start of the Israel/Palestinian War on Oct. 7, 2023, Global Communities launched a rapid response to the humanitarian crisis and began serving as the World Food Programme’s main implementing partner outside of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) centers.
Our Work in the Middle East

In 2023, Global Communities continued addressing the most pressing humanitarian needs of Yemeni host communities and internally displaced people while planning for a sustainable recovery.

Global Communities began providing humanitarian assistance in Syria in 2014, following the start of an armed conflict that has lasted more than a decade and uprooted more than half of the country’s population.

Palestine (The West Bank & Gaza)
After the start of the Israel/Palestinian War on Oct. 7, 2023, Global Communities launched a rapid response to the humanitarian crisis and began serving as the World Food Programme’s main implementing partner outside of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) centers.
We are addressing the most profound needs I’ve ever witnessed, transcending mere survival and food security, to fundamentally sustain the human spirit in our vulnerable communities.
Ra’ed, Food assistance program director, Gaza