Stories of Programs in Action

Leading, Learning and Lending during COVID-19
When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit last spring, PCI-supported Women Empowered groups around the world were among the first to mobilize in response to the needs of their members, families and communities.

Expecting during the Unexpected: Pregnancy and Birth in the Time of COVID-19
Even under normal circumstances, giving birth can be an overwhelming and vulnerable experience. But the uncertainties and strict protocols brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have added an extra layer of anxiety for new and expectant parents.

Supporting San Diego's Pandemic Response, One Call at a Time
While it's not always easy being the messenger, the compassionate communication of timely and fact-based public health information has proven key to helping people navigate this unprecedented time of isolation, illness and unknowns.

Take-Home Rations, Tippy Taps and Technology: Helping Schools Navigate the Pandemic
For many children and families across the world, school is more than just a place of learning; it's a safety net. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic in Guatemala, Tanzania and Nicaragua, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, worked with school staff, government officials, community leaders and parents to develop innovative COVID-19 responses unique to each country's situation.

PCI India and 'JEEViKA Mobile Vaani' Answer Call for Action against COVID-19
When the Government of India instituted a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19, Gram Vaani and PCI India recognized an opportunity to leverage the Mobile Vaani network to reach and link rural populations with pandemic-related health information and social services.

Protecting Botswanan Girls' Dreams in the Time of COVID-19
In Botswana and around the world, public health emergencies have shown that when systems break down, adolescent girls and young women are often the first to suffer. During the COVID-19 pandemic, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, adapted its DREAMS program to safeguard the health and well-being of adolescent girls and young women.

Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 Misinformation in Guatemala
Although social media and other digital platforms have given people opportunities to safely connect while quarantining or under lockdown, the constant flow of messaging about the coronavirus has led to an "infodemic," or dangerous rise in misinformation that could have serious consequences.
Global Successes in 2020
Fiscal Year 2020 At A Glance
Year End Operating Results*
Change in Net Assets
Less Change in With Donor Restrictions
Total Net Assets
Without Donor Restrictions
With Donor Restrictions*
Liquidity/Current Ratio
Program Services & Program Support*
Management & General
For the periods ending: Sept 30, 2020 & Sept 30, 2019.
Revenue, Expenses, Year End Operating Results and Net Assets are presented in Millions.
* Year End Operating Results exclude Net Assets With Donor Restriction. The change in Net Assets With Donor Restrictions in FY19 is a net decrease due to spending down funds received in previous years. Program Services & Program Support includes $1,838,000 and $1,780,000 in program support costs during the year ended September 30, 2020 and 2019, respectively. In audited financial statements that can be found on PCI's website, these costs are included in management and general costs.

Total: $53,888,118

Total: $49,878,052
Our Supporters in 2020
PCI's efforts to enhance health, end hunger, overcome hardship and advance women and girls worldwide would not be possible without the support of individuals, foundations, corporations, governments and partners that support and invest in our programs. If we inadvertently omitted your name from our list of donors, or if you would like to be listed differently in future recognition lists, please contact Amber Lingle, Senior Community Engagement Officer.

Donor Spotlight: Rising the Tide with Michele Gay
Learn more about PCI's unique partnership with LimeLife by Alcone and the Brighter Together Foundation.

Donor Spotlight: Painting it Forward with Eric Sanders
Learn more about Eric Sanders' connection to PCI and why he added selling his original art to his palette of philanthropy.