In 2023, Global Communities completed the fifth and final year of Cooperative Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR), a Cooperative Development Program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Against the backdrop of a new government administration prioritizing cooperative and Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) as engines for growth, CLEAR assumed a leading role in supporting national and county governments in shaping the cooperative sector agenda and enhancing intergovernmental coordination in Kenya.
A primary focus was on promoting sustainable partnerships to ensure continued advocacy and support for worker cooperatives beyond the program’s duration. This effort resulted in 15 more counties completing their county cooperative policies in fiscal year 2023. CLEAR also increased the number of cooperatives it supports by 10 for a total number of 19.

"The cooperative allows us to be our own bosses. It allows youth to have clear job opportunities and jobs that we can do with passion."
John Karika
Secretary of Transparency Auto Worker Cooperative
Responding to the demand for enhanced education and learning opportunities, CLEAR launched a series of educational videos covering various aspects of cooperatives, including policy, legislation, management, governance, marketing, gender and worker cooperatives. The project also officially handed over the Worker Cooperative Management Course to the Cooperative University of Kenya for ongoing implementation and impact.
Other close-out activities included completing a five-year longitudinal research effort in partnership with the United States International University (USIU) Africa. This important milestone was marked by as stakeholder meeting to confirm the relevance and validity of the research findings. Additionally, 40 participants from cooperatives, local governments, other stakeholders and USAID attended the Project Closing Learning Forum, which reinforced the imperative to scale up operations of the worker model in Kenya and set the stage for future expansion and impact.

"[Global Communities]’ support will definitely go a long way in promoting the growth and development of cooperatives in Kenya."
Patrick Kilemi
Principal Secretary, State Department for Cooperatives
Finally, in October 2023, Global Communities announced a new five-year award from USAID to implement CLEAR+ in Kenya and Guatemala. The program will strengthen the cooperative sectors in both countries through improved legal frameworks, advocacy and learning, with a special focus on women and youth engaged in the gig economy and service sectors.
Notable Numbers
Cooperative members who received coaching from CLEAR to enhance their business performance
Stakeholders who attended public participation forums in Nyeri and Kilifi Counties
Youth entrepreneurs who graduated from the Youth Entrepreneurship Round Table (YERT)
People from 28 counties who participated in the public policy learning forum co-hosted with Strathmore University
Counties which completed their county cooperative policies with support from CLEAR