Resource Type

CLEAR Cooperative Resilience Research 

Global Communities through the USAID Cooperative Development Program -Cooperative Leadership Engagement Advocacy and Research (CLEAR) program, partnered with the United…

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Protection in Emergencies

Global Communities works at the intersection of sustainable development and humanitarian assistance to save lives, advance equity and secure strong…

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Women Empowered: Championing Innovative Approaches to Savings Group Programming

Global Communities’ Women Empowered (WE) initiative is a global savings group program designed to promote financial inclusion and the social,…

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Promoting Positive Youth Development & the Advancement of Adolescent Girls and Young Women

Global Communities has implemented youth-centered programs focused on civic engagement, economic development, health, and violence prevention in more than 15…

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Advancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Global Communities recognizes that gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are vital to realizing human rights, achieving sustainable development goals,…

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 Challenges and lessons learned from the project “Enhancing Urban Resilience in Medellín through Insurance Protection for Climate Risks and Natural Disasters” 

The project “Improving urban resilience in Medellín through insurance protection for climate risks and natural disasters” is an international cooperation…

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Advancing Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN)

Global Communities has worked to save mothers’ and children’s lives and improve their health and well-being since 1961. We implement…

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Community-Led Emergency Action and Response: CLEAR Program 

CLEAR is an 18-month, $15 million program implemented by Global Communities and funded by the United States Agency for International…

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Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency: DOBRE Program 

DOBRE provides technical and material assistance to consolidated communities to help them govern openly and provide accountability in meeting the…

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Beyond Technology – Strengthening Ghana’s Rural Sanitation Market

Through the Enhancing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program, USAID Ghana is helping to increase access to sustainable and affordable…

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USAID YouthPower Jordan Activity

USAID YouthPower Jordan (March 2017 – March 2022) worked with vulnerable youth ages 10-29 in 60 communities across Jordan through…

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Responsible Gold Innovation Fund (RGIF) – Concept Paper

The RGIF aims to incentivize investment in new supply chain investment models for responsible gold originating from DRC and pilot new approaches to overcome specific identified barriers in scaling the export of responsible artisanal gold from the country…

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