

Photo by Steve Adams

Ethiopia has been facing a greater frequency and intensity of disasters due to long-term environmental degradation and shifting global weather patterns, which are further exacerbated by climate change. Of the top ten disasters in Ethiopia over the last 100 years-as measured by number of people affected-five occurred in the last decade, and all were drought-related. To mitigate this exposure to climate-related shocks, PCI implemented a four-year U.S. Agency for International Development-funded (USAID) project to support the nine most vulnerable districts of Bale Zone in Oromia.

Entitled Project REVIVE (REstoring VIbrant Villages and Environments), its goal was to increase long-term resilience to climate change and climate-related shocks by providing affected districts with the tools, technology and training needed to:

  • Conduct context-specific analysis,
  • Enable inclusive community planning, and
  • Develop informed solutions to ongoing risks.

Among other notable achievements, the project regenerated over 18,000 hectares of land to protect natural resources and reduced by 60% the amount of time women and girls spend fetching water through the rehabilitation and construction of 84 water systems, which are benefiting over 83,000 new users.