At a time when disasters and disruptions are becoming more common and catastrophic,
Global Communities, together with our local partners, equips communities
with the training, tools and resources they need to recover from crises
and build long-term resilience in the face of constant change.

From prevention and adaptation to positive transformation, we focus on solutions that center local voices and expand opportunities for growth, leadership and advancement.

View our stories by location below.


Triple Nexus

Strengthening Linkages Across the Triple Nexus

Global Communities believes meaningful solutions lie at the intersections that link humanitarian, development and peace-building programs – also known as the triple nexus. Our unique expertise allows us to leverage learnings for integrated programs and respond to rapidly changing circumstances.

Explore Triple Nexus Stories

Adapting Aid to Address the Climate Crisis in Ethiopia

The Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the longest droughts on record. We are working at the intersection of sustainable development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding to build long-term resilience in the face of constant change.

Governing in Crisis:

Layering Decentralization Assistance and Emergency Response in Ukraine

Drought, Disaster and Hope

We are working to help address many of the root causes of vulnerability for pastoral communities in Ethiopia and improve their ability to mitigate, adapt to and recover from conflict- and climate-related shocks and stressors.

Breaking New Ground with Hardy Institute

Supporting Food Security and Strengthening Economic Resilience in Sri Lanka



Advancing Locally-Led Solutions

The complex challenges facing communities around the world require customized, locally owned solutions. Global Communities does not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach and is committed to advancing the localization of our work through a wide range of models.

Explore Localization Stories

A Day in the Life of Recyclers

Projeto Reciclar began in 2021 to improve recyclers’ living and working conditions and was designed in collaboration with community members to support local knowledge and expertise, and foster ownership and accountability in building a future of their own conception.

Employing a Locally-Led Approach to Social Development in Argentina

To address the reality on the ground and generate solutions from the places and people most impacted, Global Communities joined forces with John Deere Foundation to employ a locally-led approach to social development.

Voices of Chernivtsi:

Development, Displacement & War Recovery Efforts in the West of Ukraine

Nsuo Helps Our Life

A small-town water system changed the lives of 4,000 people in Ghana, investing in the health and well-being of the next generation.

A Community-Centered Approach to Malaria Elimination in Honduras

Hundreds of community volunteers in remote areas are helping to inch the country closer to eliminating malaria by 2028.


Technology & Innovation

Cultivating Innovative Ideas for a Changing World

Ideas and approaches from the past are no longer enough to keep pace with the world’s challenges. Global Communities embeds innovation at every level of our programming, creating space for digital solutions and agile approaches that can blaze a trail to new thinking and a more just and equitable world.

Explore Technology & Innovation Stories

How Financial Innovation is Fostering Renewable Energy in Iraq

To help support businesses in accessing reliable energy, Vitas launched the Vitas Lab to test finance solutions that have social impact related to the environment, gender equity or financial inclusion.

How Brazilian Farmers are Modernizing Agricultural Practices to Become Climate Resilient

Amid crises such as climate change, which threaten the livelihoods, food security and well-being of smallholder farmers in Brazil, Global Communities and its local partners are equipping thousands of farmers with training, tools and resources to build long-term resilience.

Women Saving for Resilience

The Women Empowered program supports women to drive sustainable change in themselves, their families and communities, leading to improved gender equity, livelihoods, health and resilience. It also incorporates novel approaches to transform harmful gender norms, encourage economic participation, advance financial inclusion in oral cultures, and champion digital transformation.

Twenty Years of Emergency Response Programming in Guatemala

The Evolution of our Humanitarian Assistance Work in the Western Highlands