Ensuring the Electrify Africa Act & the Power Africa Initiative Can Create Sustainable Change

Ensuring the Electrify Africa Act & the Power Africa Initiative can create sustainable change This article first appeared on The Hill Blog |  By Robyn McGuckin, Vice President for International Operations, Global Communities In today’s partisan environment, we don’t expect most legislation to make it to the floor for a vote, let alone pass both chambers and…

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Blog Entry: Humanity First

Humanity First Written by Elizabeth Adams, Technical Specialist for Agriculture at Global Communities This article originally appeared on Medium As a global development professional working at Global Communities, I have been watching with increased concern at some of the trends that have been on the rise across the globe in recent years. As The Economist…

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Colombia: Launch of Gustavo Romero Park in La Balsa

Colombia: Launch of Gustavo Romero Park in La Balsa What started as a normal Sunday quickly became one of the most awaited days for the community of La Balsa in the municipality of La Apartada. That morning was the official launch of the bio-healthy park, one of the initiatives prioritized by the La Balsa community under…

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Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win

Accessing Higher-Value Local Markets: Lead Firm Collaboration is a Win-Win By Tuul Tuvshinbayar, Program Manager, Global Communities’ EMIRGE program This article originally appeared on The SEEP Network. Smallholder producer cooperatives tend to have low production volumes. When cooperatives are successful in increasing their production, they often face problems with proper storage and finding markets. Cooperatives and…

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Using Evidence to Reduce Poverty in the World’s Poorest Places

Using Evidence to Reduce Poverty in the World’s Poorest Places By Milton Funes, Director of Program Impact and Learning at Global Communities This article was originally published on Reuters Alertnet. The first Sustainable Development Goal is to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere.” Underlying that simple call to action is a complex requirement –…

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Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE) Final Evaluation

Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE) Final Evaluation In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and…

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Global Communities Governance Fact Sheet

Global Communities Governance Fact Sheet In a rapidly changing world, development organizations cannot ignore the important role played by local governments in their citizens’ lives. Health, sanitation, education, roads, and infrastructure are all vital communal services that depend on good governance to adequately meet the needs of citizens. As such, Global Communities works to strengthen…

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MENA YES: Adapting and Sustaining Demand-Driven Training Programs

Adapting and Sustaining Demand-Driven Training Programs: A Case Study from the Middle East While the unprecedented transitions taking place in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have been greatly stimulated by the activism of youth seeking better future for themselves and their societies, the region has the highest youth unemployment rate in the world. In…

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The Peacemaker (VIDEO)

The Peacemaker Global Communities’ Selline Korir is a peace-builder in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the USAID Kenya Tuna Uwezo program, her efforts have transformed the lives of thousands of Kenyans and have led to some of Kenya’s most peaceful elections.

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InterAction Announces $1.2 Billion Refugee And Humanitarian Assistance Pledge

InterAction Announces $1.2 Billion Refugee And Humanitarian Assistance Pledge Group of 31 international NGOs commit over $1 billion in private resources to help address global refugee crisis over the next three years. WASHINGTON – InterAction – the largest U.S. alliance of international nongovernmental organizations—announced a commitment today by 31 of its members* to collectively invest over…

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Global Communities: Education Portfolio

Global Communities: Education Portfolio Global Communities has worked in education throughout the developing world focusing on issues of access, community engagement, and empowering at-risk youth. Our education work can be organized under five main themes: 1. Vocational education to equip youth to productively participate in the economy; 2. Civic education to increase young people’s capacity to…

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Allowing Refugees to Better Their Communities Results in Big Benefits

Allowing Refugees to Better Their Communities Results in Big Benefits By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. The approaching UN General Assembly summit on refugees and migrants promises to bring attention to humane and coordinated approaches to addressing the needs of the millions of displaced individuals around…

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Building a Healthy, Prosperous and Bright Future in Rwanda

Building a Healthy, Prosperous and Bright Future in Rwanda Global Communities has been working with USAID and Feed The Future to help 125,000 Rwandans live healthier, more prosperous and secure lives. The USAID Ejo Heza was a program that helped rural households build their economic resiliency and food security through a range of integrated activities…

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How the Jordan Loan Guaranty Facility is Helping Small Businesses in Jordan Access the Finance They Need to Grow

How the Jordan Loan Guaranty Facility is Helping Small Businesses in Jordan Access the Finance They Need to Grow This article first appeared on the OPIC Blog  |  By Adnan Afaneh, Head of Credit, Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility Despite their importance in supporting both sustainable economic growth and job creation in emerging countries, small and…

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Hosting the Syrian Crisis: A Jordanian Community Gets a Lifeline

Hosting the Syrian Crisis: A Jordanian Community Gets a Lifeline Global Communities has been partnering with US Government in Jordan to support communities under stress through the USAID Community Engagement Program (USAID CEP). Working with communities, local organizations, municipal governments and the private sector, USAID CEP builds cohesion and enhances the resilience of communities to…

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Promoting Better Sanitation and Waste Management for Healthier Communities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

A march to promote clean neighborhoods and the start of the awareness campaign against waste. Promoting Better Sanitation and Waste Management for Healthier Communities in Port-au-Prince, Haiti Christ-Roi, Cité Choune, and Ravine Pintade are three neighborhoods straddling the Nicolas Ravine, located in the heart of Port-Au-Prince, suffering from poor WASH and waste management practices. Trash,…

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