“Pride for the Family:” Stories of Successful Reintegration in Rwanda

“Pride for the Family:” Stories of Successful Reintegration in Rwanda Ishema Mu Muryango (‘Pride for the Family’ in Kinyarwanda) was a two-year program funded by USAID’s Displaced Children and Orphans Funds (DCOF). The program goal was to safely and sustainably reintegrate children living in institutions in two districts of Rwanda back into their families or communities, and…

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Community Development in Moline, IL

Community Development in Moline, IL Global Communities is funded by the John Deere Foundation in Moline. The Floreciente neighborhood was chosen for this program because of its proximity to two John Deere facilities. Global Communities is engaging residents of the Floreciente community of Moline to reinvigorate the historic neighborhood and improve the quality of life…

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Global Communities in Lebanon

Global Communities in Lebanon Global Communities, known as CHF International inside of the country, has been working in Lebanon since 1997. With more than 15 years of experience, Global Communities has established a reputation for implementing community driven programs that address a broad range of social issues, from agricultural development, to education and the current Syrian Crisis.…

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Global Communities’ Humanitarian Assistance

Global Communities’ Humanitarian Assistance From natural disasters to armed conflicts, Global Communities provides humanitarian assistance to people in need. We partner with affected communities to provide immediate relief in ways that enable communities to quickly recover, build back more safely, and restart livelihoods sooner. In the process of providing immediate assistance, we develop innovative programs…

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PREKAD Videos (Haiti): Rehabilitation of Acacia and Brun Ricot Streets

PREKAD Videos (Haiti): Rehabilitation of Acacia and Brun Ricot Streets With funding from the World Bank, Global Communities is working in the earthquake-devastated areas to build essential community infrastructure. Building on the success of the recently completed Katye program, PREKAD (Reconstruction Project for Disadvantaged Areas) focuses on rebuilding in compact, urban neighborhoods. In addition to…

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Global Communities Hands Over Disco Hill Safe Burial Site to Government of Liberia

Global Communities Hands Over Disco Hill Safe Burial Site to Government of Liberia By Stephen Farshing, Global Communities MARGIBI COUNTY, LIBERIA – After more than one year and nearly 3,000 burials conducted, Global Communities formally transferred the management and operations of Disco Hill to the Liberian Ministry of Health on January 19th in a ceremony…

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Liberia’s First District Reaches “Open Defecation Free” Status with Support from Global Communities

Liberia’s First District Reaches “Open Defecation Free” Status with Support from Global Communities By Stephen Farshing, Global Communities VAHUN TOWN, LOFA COUNTY, LIBERIA – Vahun Town, Liberia, a remote district with 34 communities in the northwest bordering Sierra Leone, recently became the first district to be declared entirely open defecation-free (ODF) by the government of…

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YIEDIE Video: Creating Economic Opportunities for Urban Youth

YIEDIE Video: Creating Economic Opportunities for Urban Youth The Youth Inclusive Entrepreneurial Development Initiative For Employment (YIEDIE) is working to create economic opportunities in Ghana’s construction sector for disadvantaged youth, implemented by Global Communities in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation. YIEDIE aims to reach more than 23,000 youth with training with technical, life and/or entrepreneurship skills leading to employment. The…

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Want to Eliminate Poverty? Check your Behavior.

Want to Eliminate Poverty? Check your Behavior. David Weiss, Global Communities President & CEO This article first appeared in the Huffington Post The UN’s first Sustainable Development Goal is to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere” by 2030. The UN measures extreme poverty in financial terms – the 836 million people who live on…

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The Impact of Global Communities’ Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (PACE)

The Impact of Global Communities’ Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (PACE)Global Communities’ PACE method is our core methodology for engaging and empowering communities. PACE gives communities the tools to work together to drive long-term change and empower them to direct their own development. Global Communities PACE practitioners talk about their experiences using the PACE methodology…

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What aid workers are saying about Yemen

What aid workers are saying about Yemen This article originally appeared in Devex By Anna Patricia Valerio The violation of what was supposed to be a weeklong cease-fire, the abduction of two aid workers from the International Committee of the Red Cross, and a cyclone that has complicated relief operations are just some of the…

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Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS)

Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) is a five-year initiative of Global Communities to expand trade in key agricultural sectors in Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi through market and trade stimulation. Since its inception in 2014, AIMS stimulates market and trade by investing and building capacity of small- and medium- agribusiness…

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Global Communities’ Staff Featured in the Guardian’s “Your NGO Heroes of 2015”

Global Communities’ Staff Featured in the Guardian’s “Your NGO Heroes of 2015” The Guardian asked development professionals to nominate the people and projects who inspired them most in 2015. From more than 100 nominations, the Guardian selected a few of their favorites including Global Communities’ Selline Korir and George Woryonwon who are featured for their work in…

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Stopping Ebola in its Tracks: a Community-Led Response

The public view of the Ebola response was dominated by images and stories of medical workers and Ebola treatment units. But there is also the less-known story of the many thousands of Liberian health workers, government staff, traditional leaders and volunteers who played the most significant role in building resilience to Ebola and reducing transmission…

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Five Steps to Successful Community Engagement and Mobilization

Sowing Futures is using Global Communities’ community development model, Participatory Action for Community Enhancement (PACE), to engage target communities in Brazil and to begin developing community-level capacity to (1) plan for the long-term, (2) identify community priorities, (3) design projects, (4) mobilize resource investments and (5) implement community development projects. Often questions arise such as,…

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