Global Communities and OPIC Announce 15-year Guaranty Facility in Lebanon

Global Communities and Overseas Private Investment Corporation Announce 15-year Guaranty Facility in Lebanon  Washington, DC.—Global Communities and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) today announced that OPIC has agreed to provide a $25 million, 15-year loan guaranty facility to Global Communities’ subsidiary Vitas s.a.l., to support expanded lending to underserved entrepreneurs in Lebanon.  The new…

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Using Community Radio to Promote Peacebuilding in Colombia

Using Community Radio to Promote Peacebuilding in Colombia Through the USAID-funded Colombia, Responde program, Global Communities has been helping communities in the Montes de Maria region of northern Colombia. Affected by decades of civil conflict, the communities in Montes de Maria experienced some of the worst violence and massive population displacements. With security tenuous and…

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Green Apple Week of Service Launches in Bangalore, India

Green Apple Week of Service Launches in Bangalore, India See more photos from the Green Apple Week of Service in Bangalore on our Facebook page. Global Communities and Christ University launched it’s second annual Green Apple Day of Service week, highlighting on the theme “eco-friendly practices.” This is the beginning of a week-long series of…

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Strengthening Food Security in Colombia

Strengthening Food Security in Colombia Promoting domestic vegetable gardens to strengthen food security in San Onofre Poverty, climate change, lack of access to land, social breakdown, displacement, isolation and poor hygiene and nutritional habits all contribute to food insecurity in the Montes de Maria region.  Food insecurity is one of the main problems that affects…

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VIP Profile: Henry Tenenbaum

VIP Profile: Henry Tenenbaum Rwanda, August 2013 Learning to Engage Local media and Communicate Program Results Efficiently Successful program implementation requires not only skillful planning and management of activities, but also efficient communication of program goals and objectives, as well as results achieved in the course of implementation or when the program is ending. Various…

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Rwanda: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship through Vocational Training

Rwanda: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship through Technical and Vocational Education and Training This story originally appeared in the Rwanda Focus. The Ministry of Education and Global Communities are carrying out an awareness campaign to promote Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for youth entrepreneurship and life skills development across the country. The 3-month communication campaign is…

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Supporting Community-based Organizations in Ghana

Global Communities Commended for Supporting Community-based Organizations in Ghana This story originally appeared in Ghana Business News.  The support to Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) by the Global Communities, formerly CHF International, through its Small Grant initiative to improve governance and service delivery has been commended. Global Communities provides support to communities to improve civic engagement and…

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Reducing Political and Ethnic Conflict in Kenya

Reducing Political and Ethnic Conflict in Kenya Through the USAID-funded Kenya Tuna Uwezo program, Global Communities has been  working with local partners PeaceNet and Kitua Cha Sheria to reduce conflict and promote peace among residents in Nairobi’s informal settlements. While the infomal settlements of Nairobi have a history of crime and gang warfare, the disputed national…

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Rwanda: Breastfeeding Campaign Targets Karongi Mothers

Rwanda: Breastfeeding Campaign Targets Karongi Mothers By Jean Pierre Bucyensenge This story originally appeared on Mothers have been advised to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months in a bid to help the children grow healthily. The call was made on Wednesday as dozens of Karongi residents gathered in Rubengera sector during…

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Kenya: Tenants Agree to Surrender Houses in Slums

Kenya:Tenants Agree to Surrender Houses in Slums By Rawling Otieno This story originally appeared in the Standard Digital News.  Residents of Kiambu participate in a community dialogue faciliated through the Kenya Tuna Uwezo program. These forums are designed to allow residents to discuss grievances and promote reconcilation. Tenants who occupied houses without paying for them during…

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Partnering with Chevron Liberia to Improve Sanitation for Urban Communities

Global Communities Partnering with Chevron Liberia to Improve Sanitation for Urban Communities Liberia: Three new toilet facilities funded by Chevron Liberia This story originally appeared on Shout-Africa.  Chevron Liberia Country Director Karl Cottrell and IWASH Chief of Party Piet deVries shake hands after the grant signing.  An agreement valued at 106,000 USD has been signed between…

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Partnership Report: Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World

Partnership Report: Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World In 2011, the World Bank initiated the Partnership for Sustainable Cities, a group of leading urban actors with a mission to collaborate on city development around the world and foster city-led sustainable development. This synthesis paper, Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World, is a product of the partnership’s…

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Rwanda: Civil Society Organizations trained, given portable video kits

Trainer Mathew supporting the trainees (Courtesy photo) Rwanda: Civil Society Organizations trained, given portable video kits This article originally appeared on Itumanaho Members of civil society organizations working with Global Communities (formerly CHF International) will now be able to document their activities in video form after receiving training how to use portable video kits. The…

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Rwanda: NGO, Microfinance Partner to Promote Savings for Education

Rwanda: NGO, Microfinance Partner to Promote Savings for Education This article originally appeared on GLOBAL COMMUNITIES, an international non-governmental organisation, in partnership with Duterimbere IMF, a local Micro-finance institution, has launched a campaign aimed at encouraging residents, especially parents, to save part of their income to educate their children. The campaign is part of…

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Formalizing Property Rights in Colombia

Formalizing Property Rights in Colombia Farmers receiving the formal titles to their land. Montes de Maria is a mountainous and isolated region located near the northern coast of Colombia. Due to its strategic location and wealth of natural resources, Montes de Maria was the target of many territorial disputes and armed struggles during Colombia’s protracted…

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