Photo Essay: Faces of South Sudan

Photo Essay: Faces of South Sudan As the world’s newest nation, South Sudan is working to overcome more than two decades of civil war and is tackling the challenging process of rebuilding following the loss of an estimated 2 million lives, the displacement of over 4 million inhabitants and an almost total collapse of infrastructure.  …

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Improving Living Conditions through Community Development

Improving Living Conditions through Community Development Comprehensive community development allows communities to improve their conditions of life by strengthening their capacities through participatory processes and empowerment. Meeting with residents in Paraiso to prioritize community needs. In an effort to improve their living conditions and overcome a history marked by poverty, violence and distrust, more than…

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Increasing Community Ownership, Participation and Trust in Colombia

Increasing Community Ownership, Participation and Trust in Colombia The completed bathrooms will serve 100 primary school students in Sabanetica. Each time Daivi Perez went to Sincelejo city, Sabanetica’s residents whispered about suspicious payments that he allegedly obtained during the construction of the school’s bathrooms. People thought Perez, President of the Community Action Board, was getting…

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Communities at the Forefront of Preventing Malaria in Honduras

By Dulce Pavón, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Global Communities Honduras “Being here is a dream come true. To fly over this lost paradise and delight in the beauty of creation is absolutely priceless. People are so diverse, different languages, different culture, different skin color, different smiles. They say I am from the “interior”; I always thought…

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Combating Malaria on the Mosquito Coast

  In three years, the number of malaria cases in Ahuas decreased by 83.4%   The department of Gracias a Dios, also known as La Mosquitia, is located on the northeastern region of Honduras. It is the most isolated region of Honduras with its six municipalities only accesible by river or air. Malaria is endemic…

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On Earth Day, Lessons Learned From a Ghanaian Slum

On Earth Day, Lessons Learned From a Ghanaian Slum By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post.   Sanitation is a major challenge facing urban populations, especially in slum communities. The urgency of Earth Day has changed. In 1970, when America celebrated its first Earth Day, hybrid cars…

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Improving Lives through Vocational Training in Ethiopia

Improving Lives through Vocational Training in Ethiopia:  Vocational skills training through the USAID/OFDA-funded RECOVER program Ahmed Badal’s Journey Ahmed Badal Hire is head of a household of eight family members. His family lost their livelihood during the 2011 drought when all of their 30 sheep and goats, and all but one of their 25 cattle died.  …

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Building Social Infrastructure and Increasing Access to Health Services in Colombia

Building Social Infrastructure and Increasing Access to Health Services in Colombia A young girl receives a dental check up at a health fair in San Jancinto. Through the USAID-funded Colombia Responde program, Global Communities is working with rural communities the Montes de Maria region, a mountainous area near the northern coast of Colombia whose population…

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Report: Cooperative Performance Index – Field Results and Analysis

Report: Cooperative Performance Index – Field Results and Analysis of Cooperatives in Rwanda USAID – Enabling Market Integration through Rural Group Empowerment (EMIRGE) By Theogene Nkuranga, EMIRGE Program Coordinator, Rwanda and Kristin Wilcox, EMIRGE Technical Officer January 2013 Introduction Cooperatives are democratic, member-run and member-financed enterprises. They have been a model for bringing together people across…

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“Be the Change Volunteers” Honored by Global Communities in Rwanda

Volunteers spurred on with honours Originally appearing in The New Daily (Rwanda) Six outstanding community volunteers have been rewarded for their efforts in changing lives of the vulnerable people in their communities, a reward CHF International, an NGO, says will encourage community volunteers. Known as the ‘Be the Change Volunteers’ (BCVs), the volunteers intervene in…

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In Honduras, Fighting HIV/AIDS Through Music And Theater

By Jens Erik Gould A community youth theater group in the Garifuna community of Tornabé.  This story originally aired on NPR. In the village of Corozal in Honduras, men ready boats for fishing excursions and boys play soccer on a beach lined with thatched huts. On a sandy lot next to the town’s main street, two teenage…

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The Forgotten: HIV in the Garifuna Community in Honduras (video)

“I used to cry when people would say ‘There goes that disgusting AIDS patient. She’s good for nothing.’” Lesbia Martinez has struggled being HIV positive within her small Garifuna* community in Northern Honduras. But with support from local organizations, she has learned not only how to live with her status, but to share her story…

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Water Insecurity Looms as a Major Global Issue

Water Insecurity Looms as a Major Global Issue By Julia Pyper This article originally appeared in ClimateWire. Drought conditions in the Somali region of Ethiopia not only affect the livelihoods of farmers and pastoralists, it exacerbates tensions over scarce water resources. As if the scorched fields of the Great Plains or the stories of women…

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Photo Essay: World Water Day 2013

Photo Essay: World Water Day 2013 World Water Day is held annually on March 22nd to recognize the importance of water in our world and advocate for the sustainable management of water resources. Global Communities is working with communities around the world helping them address their unique water challenges in locally appropriate and innovative ways.  …

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Bridging the Governed and Governor Divide in Ghana – Citizen’s Report Card

Bridging the Governed and Governor Divide in Ghana – Citizen Report Cards Sekondi/Takoradi Metro launches Citizen’s Report Card This story originally appeared in the Ghana Business News.  The Global Communities, Ghana, and the Sekondi/Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly on Wednesday launched the Citizen’s Report Card (CRC), a card to provide businesses and government with critical feedback on service…

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Nicaragua: Working with Communities to Improve Municipal Services (slideshow)

Nicaragua: Working with Communities to Improve Municipal Services (slideshow) Global Communities is working in Nicaragua through the USAID-funded Municipal Governance Program (MGP), to strengthen municipal governance and citizen involvement, empowering them and bettering their quality of life. By improving basic service delivery, MGP is helping local governments be more responsive to their citizens and develop…

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