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Building More Resilient Communities in Ethiopia

Published 03/01/2015 by Global Communities

Building More Resilient Communities in Ethiopia
Redirecting Ethiopian Communities to Overcome Vulnerability and Enhance Resilience (RECOVER)
Global Communities implemented the RECOVER program, funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, from 2011-14 to respond to the emergency needs in the Somali Region of Ethiopia. Using an integrated approach, RECOVER combined disaster risk reduction strategies with urgently needed economic recovery support. and targeted several specific beneficiary groups, including pastoralists and agropastoralists affected by river flooding and ongoing drought conditions. The program helped to strengthen and diversify livelihoods by providing vocational training for pastoralists in locally-identified alternative livelihoods activities, such as carpentry, masonry and handicraft making. The program also trained community and host government officials on mechanisms to more effectively transmit early warning information to isolated areas and prepare response plans, allowing communities to protect household assets and minimize livelihoods losses. Other program benefits include increased the water supply through the rehabilitation and construction of water sources and improved hygiene and sanitation conditions through education and awareness.
Sustainable Humanitarian Assistance Program for Ethiopia (SHAPE)
Global Communities implemented SHAPE in the Gode zone of the Somali Regional State to help drought-affected communities meet their emergency needs for water, food and income while assisting them to build their resources and capacities to respond to future crisis. At the heart of SHAPE, was the development of Asset Building Groups (ABGs). Each group consists of up to 80 members of a community that engage in a business venture that benefits from increased collective productive capacity and bargaining power. Once formed, ABGs collectively received assets to support the selected business venture, and group members received intensive training to effectively manage the activities of the group. This training included business or vocational skills, savings and credit management, and technical assistance in linking to markets and independent vendors or buyers. 
Warder Emergency Response Program
With funding from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), Global Communities assisted drought-affected pastoral populations through the provision of clean water for humans and animals. Activities included emergency water distribution through the use of water tankers, the rehabilitation of wells, construction of water catchment systems, distribution of water treatment chemicals and health and sanitation training.