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Global Communities Office of Ethics Introduces New Standards of Conduct

Published 04/03/2012 by Global Communities

Global Communities Office of Ethics Introduces New Standards of Conduct 
Ethics is a critical part of Global Communities’ culture and a top priority for everyone who works here – in how we conduct our business on behalf of our donors, in how we work together as colleagues, and in how we work with our beneficiary communities.  In order to further this goal, Global Communities announced last year the appointment of Eric O’Neill, our General Counsel, as our Ethics Officer.    
The Office of Ethics has produced a revised version of Global Communities’ Standards of Conduct, organizing the document into three main categories: 1) Global Communities’ responsibilities to its staff, 2) employee responsibilities to Global Communities and 3) Global Communities’ responsibilities to our clients and partner communities. The new document also contains information on how Global Communities employees can confidentially report any ethics matters, questions or concerns to the Ethics Officer without the fear of being retaliated against for doing so.  
As Global Communities always seeks to operate in a transparent manner, we would like to provide the oppurtunity for all to view the new Standards of Conduct  here on our website.  Please click here to view the document.