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Helping Communities “Go Forward” in Colombia (video)

Published 02/26/2014 by Global Communities

Helping Communities “Go Forward” in Colombia (video)

The ANDA program (“Go Forward”), funded by BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities, aims to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for residents in 6 municipalities of southern Cordoba and the cities of Monteria and Cartagena in Colombia. With a strong focus on internally displaced people, ANDA is working closely with communities and local governments to access and employ municipal, departmental and national resources to address community priorities.
Through a participatory process, the program teaches communities how to work together to build trust and manage projects collectively for successful and sustainable outcomes. Communities work together to identify small projects which benefit the entire community. The types of projects which communities have identified include upgrading classrooms, improving local health centers, building parks and play spaces for children, improving the local water system, supporting artisan networks and creating employment opportunities for youth. By using a participatory process and empowering residents to manage and oversee the projects themselves, the program will not only result in tangible improvements for the participating communities, but also helps bring residents together, teaches them to work collaboratively, builds trust and increases community pride.