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Published 03/12/2011 by Global Communities

CHF International develops and employs effective strategies for sustainable reconciliation, conflict management, and community mobilization by identifying and supporting individuals and groups with stakes in stability – those who stand to benefit most from peace and progressive governance. Our initiatives seek to catalyze sustainable, transformational change that moves societies away from the brink of conflict. Recognizing that stability is vital to sustainable development, we work with local leaders, economic actors, organizations, and communities to build social capital and an investment in peace that is stronger than any inducement to division. In addition, our stability approach directly addresses sources of tensions, state fragility, and susceptibility to conflict in an effort to accelerate recovery. We design and lead multifaceted programs that dynamically address the complex relationship between stakes in stability and drivers of instability.

CHF International’s core expertise in enhancing stability includes:

Promoting transparent and accountable community management: We work with communities to establish effective local mechanisms that are skilled in managing local concerns and potential sources of instability.

Reintegration: We engage refugees, internally displaced people and ex-combatants to help them effectively return to their communities and re-establish livelihoods, thereby reducing incentives to return to violence.

Engaging the private sector: We partner with the private sector to help businessmen and women recognize their stakes in stability and interest in working towards a peaceful future in which their businesses can thrive.

Building community security: We work with communities to develop and implement community policing initiatives and engages the security sector to build positive relationships between security services (especially police) and communities.

Integrating conflict sensitivity into development programming: We implement a broad variety of initiatives – from micro-credit to infrastructure to health – while ensuring that each is sensitive to local conflict dynamics and that interventions strictly adhere to the “do no harm” principle.

Conducting stability assessments: Our staff are experienced in conducting stability assessments in areas of potential instability, such as Liberia, Ethiopia, Tajikistan, and Sudan. CHF uses these assessments to design programs that directly address potential sources of instability.