Search Results: cooperatives

Rwanda: NGO, Microfinance Partner to Promote Savings for Education

August 13, 2013

Rwanda: NGO, Microfinance Partner to Promote Savings for Education This article originally appeared on GLOBAL COMMUNITIES, an international non-governmental organisation, in partnership with Duterimbere IMF, a local Micro-finance institution, has launched a campaign aimed at encouraging residents, especially parents, to save part of their income to educate their children. The campaign is part of…

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VIP Profile: Samia Ausaf, Sabrina Cao, Eva Poon and Daksha Shakya

May 15, 2013

VIP Profile: Samia Ausaf, Sabrina Cao, Eva Poon and Daksha Shakya Rwanda, March 2013 Measuring Trust within Cooperatives in Rwanda: A Pilot Study with George Washington University Worldwide, the rural poor still face significant constraints to generating income. Livelihoods are predominately based in small-scale, low-productivity agriculture, and farmers often lack the resources, capacity and knowledge…

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Report: Cooperative Performance Index – Field Results and Analysis

April 8, 2013

Report: Cooperative Performance Index – Field Results and Analysis of Cooperatives in Rwanda USAID – Enabling Market Integration through Rural Group Empowerment (EMIRGE) By Theogene Nkuranga, EMIRGE Program Coordinator, Rwanda and Kristin Wilcox, EMIRGE Technical Officer January 2013 Introduction Cooperatives are democratic, member-run and member-financed enterprises. They have been a model for bringing together people across…

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“Be the Change Volunteers” Honored by Global Communities in Rwanda

April 1, 2013

Volunteers spurred on with honours Originally appearing in The New Daily (Rwanda) Six outstanding community volunteers have been rewarded for their efforts in changing lives of the vulnerable people in their communities, a reward CHF International, an NGO, says will encourage community volunteers. Known as the ‘Be the Change Volunteers’ (BCVs), the volunteers intervene in…

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Interview with Rwanda EMIRGE Program Coordinator, Theogene Nkuranga

February 28, 2013

Interview with Rwanda EMIRGE Program Coordinator, Theogene Nkuranga Theogene Nkuranga How long have you been with Global Communities and what did you do before you joined Global Communities? I began working for Global Communities since June 2012. Before I came here I was working as the director of cooperative promotion and capacity building at RCA,…

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Preparing Rwanda’s Next Generation to Succeed in School and Life

February 15, 2013

Preparing Rwanda’s Next Generation to Succeed in School and Life Four-year-old Herbert Ndizihiwe attends play group and says the ball is his favorite. In Kinyarwanda, Higa Ubeho means “be determined and live”. For Rwanda’s most vulnerable populations, such as people living with HIV and AIDS (PLHA), orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC), and their families,…

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Outstanding Rwandan Cooperative Wins Recognition for Remarkable Success

February 8, 2013

Outstanding Rwandan Cooperative Wins Recognition for Remarkable Success By Teresa Casale, Congressional Relations Officer President of IMPABARUTA, accompanied by members of his board, holds their award for professional Management from the government of Rwanda. In 1998 Rwanda, the country was recovering from a brutal civil war that had badly damaged the economy. All sectors had suffered losses…

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Celebrating Adult Literacy in Rwanda

August 23, 2012

Celebrating Adult Literacy in Rwanda On July 17, 2012, in the Nyanza District of the Southern Province, 80 men and 93 women were the first wave of  graduates from the first cycle of a six-month functional adult literacy course sponsored by the USAID Ejo Heza program, managed by CHF International Rwanda and in close partnership…

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Cooperative Development

July 13, 2012

Cooperative Development Cooperatives are internationally recognized mechanisms for effectively developing financial and economic growth for like members within an economy. In the development context, cooperative structures have proven to be a successful strategy for individuals to pool resources and skills toward a common economic goal and can be especially so in transitional economies where people…

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VIP Profile: Gordon E. Lindquist

February 14, 2012

VIP Profile: Gordon E. Lindquist Rwanda, January 2012 Developing Governance and Capacity of Local Cooperatives Cooperatives in Rwanda were formed as recently as 2007 based on legal provisions which transformed associations of people living with AIDS into cooperative businesses. Some support to facilitate this kind of broad transformation was made available but still much more…

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“United We Build” – Lessons on Slum Upgrading in India

December 21, 2011

“United We Build” – Lessons on Slum Upgrading in India By Sohini Sarkar This article was originally published in PRAYAS, a pilot effort to bring together people working on social protection in India. Community participation in public sector-led housing and service delivery for the urban poor can determine the success of these projects, says Sohini Sarkar.…

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VIP Profile: Margot Fuller

September 14, 2011

VIP Profile: Margot Fuller Rwanda, June – August 2011 Evaluating Internal Savings and Lending Groups (ISLGs) to Develop Economic Strengthening Strategy Internal Savings and Lending Groups (ISLGs) are one of the mechanisms used to encourage savings and borrowing for economic development purposes. In Rwanda, their formation is assisted by the USAID-funded Higa Ubeho program, with cooperative…

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