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Global Communities Welcomes First Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer

Published 11/22/2021 by Global Communities

Deborah Harris to lead organization-wide effort to advance equity

Silver Spring, MD – Global Communities, an organization working at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion, announced the selection of Deborah Harris as its first Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer.

Harris brings more than 20 years of experience acquired while serving in senior roles in the government, nonprofit and consultancy industries, working to advance equity and inclusion, strategic human resources and coaching leaders.  

“I am thrilled to join this organization and I am excited about what we can accomplish together. I look forward to helping Global Communities embed diversity, equity and inclusion principles into the workplace culture and promoting DEI in the communities it serves,” Harris said.

Equity and Inclusion is a pillar of Global Communities’ 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. In her new role, Harris will support ongoing work to design and implement policies, processes and programs that support a vision of a more just, prosperous, and equitable global community. 

“We are thrilled to welcome Deborah at this critical moment for our organization and our sector,” said Global Communities CEO David A. Weiss. “Her leadership and experience will be essential in helping us achieve our mission and meet the commitment we made to our entire global organization that we will be a part of reshaping international development and humanitarian assistance in a way that advances equity and expands inclusion.”


Global Communities works at the intersection of humanitarian assistance, sustainable development and financial inclusion to save lives, advance equity and secure strong futures. We support communities at the forefront of their own development in more than 35 countries, partnering with local leaders, governments, civil society, and the private sector to achieve a shared vision of a more just, prosperous, and equitable global community.  Learn more at