Strengthening Partnerships and Governance for Sustainable WASH Solutions in Indigenous Communities: Deepening Our Understanding of Local Needs and Challenges

By Gigi Dupuy & Marc Valentin While most people have access to basic drinking water in Guatemala, many rural areas, especially those that are home to Indigenous Mayan communities, do not. In these communities, water is not just a resource but a sacred part of their culture and a living entity, influencing how they manage…

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María’s Harvest: Empowering Sustainable Farming and Drought Resilience in Honduras

María now stores water in her water harvester for irrigation of her crops.

María Martínez is a wife, mother, grandmother and producer of basic grains living in the Zacatustal, San Ramón, Choluteca community in Honduras. Her home is far from central markets, which makes access to nutritious food a challenge. María received fencing wire, seeds and fertilizers from the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian…

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