A Trusted Partner for Effective Results

Global Communities is committed to delivering essential programs both efficiently and effectively. As a careful steward of donor resources, we have earned a global reputation as a reliable, transparent partner. With among the tightest financial controls in our industry, we undergo regular, thorough external reviews and have been a low-risk auditee for more than ten consecutive years. 

Global Communities is proud to work with a broad range of donors and partners, from the U.S. government to international institutions, local and regional governments, private corporations, foundations and individuals.

Fiscal Year 2023 At A Glance

FY23 Financials

For the periods ending: Sept. 30, 2023 & Sept. 30, 2022.

Revenue, Expenses, Year End Operating Results and Net Assets are presented in Millions.

FY23 Sources of Revenue

US Government

Non-Federal Grants

Interest & Investment

Contributions, In-Kind

Other Income

FY23 Resource Allocation

Program & Program Support

Capital Assistance

Management & General