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Demand-driven Training for Youth Employment Toolkit
Published 12/04/2017 by Global Communities

Global Communities Featured in Demand-driven Training for Youth Employment Toolkit
Global Communities was highlighted as one of the Demand Driven Training partners in the Making Cents International Demand-driven Training for Youth Employment Toolkit. Please view the full DDT Toolkit home page here.
The Goal of the Demand-Driven Training for Youth Employment is to accelerate the scaling of world-class demand-driven training (DDT) youth programs and to promote the best and most promising practices in DDT to successfully prepare and transition young people into sustainable jobs. The Toolkit’s precursor document, the Demand-Driven Training Framework, presents background on the DDT concept and captures the common elements and critical processes evident in best practice programs.
How the author gathered the information: Both the framework and toolkit are based on a review of the literature, and interviews and site visits with ten leading DDT providers operating in South Africa and globally. Input and feedback were gathered from many along the way.
Audience: The DDT Framework and Toolkit were created for youth development practitioners; educators and trainers; program managers and administrators; and all those who design, develop, deliver and fund youth education and training programs.
How to integrate in your own work: Acknowledging that there is no single algorithm for creating an effective training for employment initiative, the toolkit aims to support better alignment of existing or new youth programs with employers’ expectations and labor market demand for skills. Depending on the complexities of each context, target group and economic sector, DDT lessons learned and recommendations captured in the toolkit must be customized and adjusted.
Download the full toolkit here.