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International Women’s Day 2021
Published 03/08/2021 by Global Communities

On International Women’s Day, Global Communities celebrates the strength of the many women and girls living in humanitarian crises around the world. Women and girls are often at significantly increased risk of harm – such as gender-based violence (GBV) – during emergencies. Harmful social norms, gender inequalities, and denial of power or opportunity are exacerbated during conflict and crisis as a result of displacement, loss of community, negative coping strategies, and psychosocial trauma. We are committed to the belief that gender equality is essential to achieving effective and life-saving humanitarian action. Practically, this means:
Engaging women and girls directly as partners, including empowering grassroots women’s organizations, to not dictate but rather to listen and empower those that are affected. Women and girls are the best placed to make change for themselves and their communities.
Designing and implementing humanitarian response programming in line with best practice and guidance, such as the IASC Policy on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women & Girls in Humanitarian Action.
Applying a gender lens throughout the humanitarian program cycle, including through gender analyses and data disaggregation.
Promoting gender equality and women’s leadership to challenge institutions and norms that reinforce gender inequalities and other forms of discrimination.
Call to Action Gender Based Violence in Emergencies – News (