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Video: USAID Cosecha Water Harvesting Program in Honduras
Published 08/24/2018 by Global Communities

Video: USAID Cosecha Water Harvesting Program in Honduras
The effects of climate change have brought disastrous consequences to the agricultural sector in the southern zone of Honduras. In an effort to combat this, with financing from the United States Agency for International Development / Development Innovation Ventures (USAID/DIV), Global Communities has implemented the “Cosecha” (Harvest) program. Utilizing a controlled trial, Cosecha has constructed four reservoirs and delivered agriculture kits for the sustainable production of corn, watermelon, squash, beans, and other vegetables. In doing so, the program strives to provide evidence to policy makers and donors on supporting agriculture in the southern zone of Honduras. Ultimately, this evidence will provide insight on how reservoirs, combined with ultra-pressure drip irrigation, more technologically advanced agronomic practices and the organization of producer groups, will increase crop yield and enhance family income, while also generating positive social and environmental externalities. If successful, the Cosecha methodology can then be applied to other parts of Honduras.
To learn more about the Cosecha program and learn how it is helping drought-affected farmers, please watch the short videos below.