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Youth Compete to Design a Logo for the Youth Network Portal Platform
Published 07/09/2020 by Global Communities

USAID YouthPower deploys intricate collaborative approaches to engage youth and help them achieve the positive development and agency required to become active citizens in their communities. To that end, USAID YouthPower is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth to build the Youth Network Portal.
Aspiring to be a new impetus for Jordanian youth, “The Youth Network Portal” is a dynamic portal that will address young people in Jordan and provide access to youth-related national information and educational materials. The main aim of the portal is to provide young people in Jordan aged 10 to 29 with information, learning materials, resources and opportunities around a wide range of topics tackled by the USAID YouthPower Program. The content of “The Youth Network Portal” will fall under the following four main categories: 1) resources on positive youth development, 2) Transformative Learning training materials, 3) Training of Trainers materials, and 4) an interactive map that provides insights on the 60 target communities of the USAID YouthPower activity.
To engage youth further in the development of this portal, the partners foresaw a great chance in offering the youth a leading role in the design and branding component. Accordingly, USAID YouthPower announced a contest for the logo design of the portal, and it didn’t take much time after the announcement of the competition for over 20 youth submissions to start pouring in. A special jury comprising of staff members from USAID YouthPower, the Ministry of Youth and talented youth was tasked with selecting the top three winners. Both of the partners expressed their admiration and fascination for the working caliber and level of dedication shown by youth partaking in the competition.
Furthermore, USAID YouthPower contacted all of the youth who participated in the competition and oriented them on the program components and activities in order for them to participate and engage further within their communities.