Toolkit for Action: 2014 International Women’s Day in Rwanda

Toolkit for Action: 2014 International Women’s Day in Rwanda This toolkit acts as a guide to provide a school or community with the materials needed to Inspire Change while leading a dynamic International Women’s Day Event in their community. The toolkit will be used by trained mobilizers that have attended a training of trainers conducted…

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Dig to Harvest: Promoting Improved Nutrition in Rwanda

Dig to Harvest: Promoting Improved Nutrition in Rwanda By Luis Blandon Luis Blandon visited Global Communities Rwanda’s projects during the Cracking the Nut conference in January 2014 and wrote this reflective piece after his visit. The land was aromatic with plant life – unique to the species and the particular season. The fragrance of the…

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Enterprise Development Factsheet

Enterprise Development Factsheet At Global Communities, we are focused on people. We believe in the promise of our partner communities and are committed to investing in their success. All of our work is designed to give our partner communities the tools they need to drive the development of their lives and livelihoods. We are committed…

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Sharing Experience in Governance and Training of Cooperative Boards

VIP Profile: Gordon E. Lindquist Uganda and Rwanda, February 2014 Sharing Experience in Governance and Training of Cooperative Boards “Leaders of cooperative organizations need training to develop the capacity to analyze their institutions’ growth.”    —Gordon Lindquist Global Communities currently implements cooperative development programs in Uganda and Rwanda. To take advantage of the countries’ proximity…

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BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities and Global Communities Complete First…

BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities and Global Communities Complete First Year of Partnership to Assist Vulnerable Communities in Colombia  Silver Spring, MD – Global Communities today announced the successful completion of the first year of a partnership with BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities (BSC) to assist vulnerable communities and displaced persons in Colombia. BSC has provided US…

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ANDA: Creating Sustainable Change for Vulnerable Communities in Colombia

ANDA: Creating Sustainable Change for Vulnerable Communities in Colombia What is the ANDA project? ANDA (a Spanish word meaning “moving forward”) is a US$28.6 million, five year project that is responding to the sustainable development needs of vulnerable populations including internally displaced persons (IDP) and other economically-disadvantaged people, especially women, youth, afro-Colombians and indigenous persons…

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CEOs from Largest U.S.-Based Global NGO Alliance Call for Immediate, Unfettered Humanitarian Access in Syria

CEOs from Largest U.S.-Based Global NGO Alliance Call for Immediate, Unfettered Humanitarian Access in Syria Third anniversary of Syria war on March 15 ignites global #WithSyria campaign to end the bloodshed and meet dire needs of civilians WASHINGTON, DC—Fifty-two CEOs of major international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have signed on to a statement calling on all…

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IFC Investment Helps Expand Access to Finance for Small Businesses in Jordan

IFC Investment Helps Expand Access to Finance for Small Businesses in Jordan Amman, Jordan—IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is supporting Middle East Micro Credit Company (MEMCC), a leading Jordanian microfinance institution, to help the company expand its lending services to small businesses, supporting economic growth across the country. A $2 million investment…

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International Women’s Day 2014

In recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Global Communities is highlighting some of the staff from our country offices around the world and honoring the amazing work they do. Sandy Salkham is the Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer for Global Communities microfinance institution Vitas Jordan. She plays a key role with responsibility for…

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Helping Communities “Go Forward” in Colombia (video)

Helping Communities “Go Forward” in Colombia (video) The ANDA program (“Go Forward”), funded by BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities, aims to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for residents in 6 municipalities of southern Cordoba and the cities of Monteria and Cartagena in Colombia. With a strong focus on internally displaced people, ANDA is working closely with…

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One for One – and Many More

One for One – and Many MoreBy Milton Funes, Country Director, Global Communities Rwanda This article originally appeared on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center. Twenty years ago, Rwanda experienced a brutal genocide that ripped the country apart. Nevertheless today, in so many ways, Rwanda is an impressive emerging African economic power. The…

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Ruts in the Road: A trip through Rwanda

Ruts in the Road: A trip through Rwanda By Luis Blandon Luis Blandon visited Global Communities Rwanda’s projects during the Cracking the Nut conference in January 2014 and wrote this reflective piece after his visit. It was a deep rut in the dirt road. The first of a thousand I would experience. A common groove…

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Global Communities’ Work in Rwanda: USAID Ejo Heza Video

Global Communities in Rwanda: USAID Ejo Heza Program Video Having worked in Rwanda since 2005, Global Communities is currently implementing the USAID Ejo Heza (“brighter future”) program in Rwanda, which aims to improve the livelihoods and food consumption of 75,000 of the country’s very poor, particularly women. This video showcases the work Global Communities has…

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