Celebrating Adult Literacy in Rwanda

Celebrating Adult Literacy in Rwanda On July 17, 2012, in the Nyanza District of the Southern Province, 80 men and 93 women were the first wave of  graduates from the first cycle of a six-month functional adult literacy course sponsored by the USAID Ejo Heza program, managed by CHF International Rwanda and in close partnership…

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ISSUE BRIEF: The 21st Century Urban Disaster

ISSUE BRIEF: The 21st Century Urban Disaster: More disasters, more devastating, more expensive, more complex – how are aid agencies responding? Global Communities Releases Issue Brief on the Increasingly Complex Nature of Humanitarian Responses to Urban Disasters; Profiles innovative Katye Program Washington, D.C.  – The 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan one year ago…

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Associations are Changing the Lives of Farmers in Colombia

Associations are Changing the Lives of Farmers in Colombia  By Maria Mercedes Garcia Hernando González, the 29-year-old president of the Cocoa Producers’ Association of Santo Domingo de Mesa, El Carmen de Bolivar (ASOPAGRO SDM), has achieved the wisdom that most people strive for. Gonzalez successfully mobilized his community of 400 returned families and established a regional productive…

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Expanding Opportunities for Youth

Expanding Opportunities for Youth In more than 15 countries, CHF International has successfully engaged youth in employment and economic development opportunities throughout the world. Young people have proven to be powerful agents of positive change both within development programs and society at large. CHF International has proven expertise in the design and management of marketoriented…

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Syrian Refugee Crisis: Rapid Assessment Report

Syrian Refugee Crisis: Rapid Assessment Report Amman, Jordan – July 2012 Executive Summary In response to the Syrian refugee crisis unfolding in Jordan, CHF International’s office of humanitarian assistance conducted a rapid needs assessment in the Northern Governorates of Irbid, AL Mafraq, and Amman, focused on understanding the shelter needs and overall livelihood security of Syrian refugees…

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Ravine Pintade: Building Back “Better” in Haiti (video)

Ravine Pintade: Building Back “Better” in Haiti Claudia Marcelus, a resident of Ravine Pintade in Port-au-Prince, describes life before and after her neighborhood was destroyed by the 2010 earthquake. Haphazard construction, inadequate water and sanitation facilities, no street lighting, reoccurring flooding, sewage problems and fear of fires, characterized life in Ravine Pintade before the earthquake.…

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Agriculture Value Chains

Agriculture Value Chains In the agriculture sector, CHF utilizes a value chain – or market systems – approach to facilitate sustainable results, including job creation, access to financial products and services, improvements in quality, linkages to local and international markets, and increased incomes and sales. Our approach relies on comprehensive assessment, local capacity building, market…

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Liberia: 10,000 Women Profiles 2012

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Liberia Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Certificate Program for Women Entrepreneurs  Global Communities, in partnership with the Goldman Sachs Women’s Entrepreneurship and Leadership Certificate Program, is working with women entreprenuers to ensure they gain access to credit in the short term, while building support networks to provide skills and training that will give them access…

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Cooperative Development

Cooperative Development Cooperatives are internationally recognized mechanisms for effectively developing financial and economic growth for like members within an economy. In the development context, cooperative structures have proven to be a successful strategy for individuals to pool resources and skills toward a common economic goal and can be especially so in transitional economies where people…

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Georgia Sheds its Soviet Past for a New Generation

Georgia Sheds its Soviet Past for a New Generation By David Weiss, President and CEO of CHF International This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. The Georgian word “bavshvi” means child. Until last year, the most vulnerable of Georgia’s children lived in danger of falling through the cracks of a society struggling to shed…

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Improving Schools in Kosovo

Improving Schools In 2008 Global Communities began working in Kosovo to improve the educational environment for primary and secondary school students. With funding from USAID, Global Communities constructed new classrooms and rehabilitated existing classroom space to provide safer places for children to learn. Working closely with the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)…

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Creating Employment for Vulnerable Residents in Armenia

Creating Employment for Vulnerable Residents From 2005-2011, Global Communities worked with USAID to promote job creation for vulnerable, rural communities in Armenia  first through the Building and Rehabilitating Infrastructure for Development and Growth in Employment  (BRIDGE) program, as well as the Small Scale Infrastructure Program (SSIP). Working in close collaboration with the Government of Armenia, local organizations, and communities, Global…

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Creating Smarter Cities with the Urban Poor

Creating Smarter Cities with the Urban Poor Worldwide one billion people live in urban slums and that number is projected to double to two billion by 2030. In India, CHF has been tackling this issue headon, working with slum communities and city governments to design and implement solutions to help reduce poverty and create smarter,…

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USAID Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF) is Helping Women SME Business Owners Expand Their Businesses Through a Financing Workshop

USAID Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF) is Helping Women SME Business Owners Expand Their Businesses Through a Financing Workshop Press Release The USAID Jordan Loan Guarantee Facility (JLGF) is helping women grow their businesses. A three day workshop was conducted to help women SME owners seek financing for startup or expansion. Case studies were presented…

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CHF Program Helps Entrepreneurs to Chart their Own Path

CHF Program Helps Entrepreneurs to Chart their Own Path By Aaron Weiss, CHF Rwanda Intern Françoise Mukabalisa wakes up each morning and commutes to her canteen, where she works from nine in the morning to six at night. Françoise’s canteen is located in a large Kigali market, where she serves hundreds of shoppers passing through…

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