CHF India: Pune Slum Atlas Released

CHF India: Pune Slum Atlas Released PHOTO: A View of a slum in Pune. With more than 30% of the population living in slums, Pune has one of the largest slum populations in India. As part of the SCALE-UP slum upgrading program, CHF worked with local NGO partner, Mashal to develop a slum atlas that…

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Outside Aid Focuses on Africa’s Growing Slums

Outside Aid Focuses on Africa’s Growing Slums This article originally appeared in Activists are increasingly looking to help the growing number of slum residents in Africa through local organizations and economic programs. This reverses previous activism in Africa focused on improving human rights and rural areas. A resident of the Kibera slum in Nairobi,…

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The Crafts Center: Trend Reports 2007-2010

The Crafts Center: Trend Reports 2007-2010 The Crafts Center at CHF International’s Annual Trend Report is a reference guide for emerging trends in the home accent and giftware industry for western markets, primarily Canada and the United States. The goal of this report is to offer practical suggestions for new product development, while keeping the focus on what is…

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CHF Haiti: Mobilizing the Community against Cholera in Cap Haitien

CHF Haiti: Mobilizing the Community against Cholera in Cap Haitien PHOTO: CHF mobilizer Yola Noel tells students and teachers at a school in the Vertieres neighborhood of Zo Vincent about how to avoid, diagnose, and treat cholera. Schools are a preferred target for CHF’s anti-cholera educational effort. During the cholera outbreak in January of this…

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Reducing Stigma in Honduran Communities Affected by HIV/AIDS

Bonifacia Pitillo, one of the most active Garifuna leaders in the prevention of HIV/AIDS, has also been profoundly affected by the disease. Her stepfather died of the disease in 1998 and three years later she discovered her mother had the disease. Bonifacia quickly realized she didn’t know enough about HIV/AIDS. “My mother liked to share…

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CHF Response to Pakistan’s The News article

CHF Response to Pakistan’s The News article The article ‘More Dirty Fish Found in USAID’ in Pakistan’s media outlet The News dated January 13, 2010, alleges that complaints have been made against CHF in Pakistan to the Pakistani National Accountability Bureau. In this case, there has been no attempt to back up any allegations; no…

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CHF India: From Waste to Resources

CHF India: From Waste to Resources CHF, Caterpillar and partners inaugurate new recycling facility in Bangalore promoting decentralized waste management By Carol Garrison, Communications Writer In the US we don’t think about trash much. We just put it in a can and haul it out the curb once a week. We do our bit by…

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Earthquake Recovery

Haiti Earthquake Since the earthquake of January 12, 2010, CHF International has been working hard, partnering with Haitian communities to help them recover from the devastating effects of the disaster and the challenges they have faced since then. As of January 2011, we have managed to: Build over 4,500 transitional shelters, housing over 22,500 Haitians…

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Stitching Haiti Back Together

Stitching Haiti Back Together By Kathleen Foster PHOTO: Former President Bill Clinton is presented with a bag sewn by trainees at the Haiti Apparel Center on Jan. 11, 2011, in Port-au-Prince. Clinton was speaking at the center, run by CHF through USAID support, to announce a new industrial park in northern Haiti. Photo by Kendra Helmer/USAID…

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CHF’s Haiti Programs featured in Time Magazine

Haiti, One Year Later: It’s the Rubble, Stupid! By Tim Padgett, TIME Magazine Each day, Feralia François trudges from her squalid Port-au-Prince tent camp to the mountain of stony debris that was once her middle class neighborhood of Delmas. The earthquake that devastated Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010, reduced her house to a shell, and…

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Haiti Earthquake: One Year Later

Haiti Earthquake: One Year Later Wednesday, January 12th marks the one-year anniversary of the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake. When the earthquake struck, CHF International had been working in Haiti implementing a major USAID-funded jobs and infrastructure program and was immediately able to respond by removing rubble, building transitional shelters, and providing cash-for-work opportunities to provide…

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CHF Haiti: Starting a New Life in Limonade

Starting a New Life in Limonade “I like Limonade,” says 17-year old Marie Zobo, referring to the town close to Cap Haitien in the north of Haiti. “It is safer here than in Port-au-Prince,” she explains. Marie came to Limonade on January 26, a couple of weeks after the January 12th earthquake that hit Haiti.…

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Getting Haitians Out of Camps, into Shelter and into their Communities

Getting Haitians Out of Camps, into Shelter and into their Communities  Wednesday marks the one year commemoration of the devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake that hit Port-au-Prince, Haiti, killing over 230,000 people. One year later, CHF has completed 4,500 transitional shelters in Port-au-Prince, Leogane and Cabaret, delivering housing to more than 22,500 Haitians. Most shelters are designed for the average Haitian…

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CHF West Bank & Gaza: Hungry for Knowledge

By Yasmeen El Khoudary From looking at him, one might assume that Rezeq Shtaiwai is just a typical man in his late fifties, but it’s not so. This man has an inspiring story to tell. Rezeq, like most Palestinians in Gaza, used to work in Israel but has been unemployed since the blockade. With eight…

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CHF Haiti: Empowering Women Through Heavy Machinery Training

CHF Haiti: Empowering Women Through Heavy Machinery Training Ever since she was a little girl, Germaine Fils-Aime, now 31, dreamed of driving one of the big construction machines. But, she was only able to study baking and soon was married and had two children. It was actually Germaine’s husband who heard of the program to…

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