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Building a New Life in Lebanon – Iman’s Story
Published 06/11/2015 by Global Communities

Building a New Life in Lebanon – Iman’s Story
“Things turned out to be better, I found a job in the municipality and now I can support my mom and myself. It feels safe here.”
When Iman fled Syria three years ago, her first priority was finding a safe environment for her elderly mother. Their first shelter in Lebanon was a room with numerous relatives. Living for three days in an overcrowded room, Iman decided she need search for a new shelter for the sake of her mother’s health.
Running out of money, Iman had no other choice but to stay in an unfurnished shelter nearby her relative’s house. “My pillow was made up of a pair of old shoes and a piece of cloth,” Iman noted. “My mother’s health deteriorated because we didn’t have running water or a working bathroom.”
In 2014, Iman was referred to the Global Communities’ Shelter Assistance for Refugees program. Through the program, Global Communities rehabilitates unfurnished houses if the owner agrees to let a refugee family live in the home rent-free for one year. Now, she lives in a house in Dalhoun, Lebanon where she is surrounded by an accepting and supporting environment.
“Things turned out to be better, I found a job in the municipality and now I can support my mom and myself. It feels safe here,” says Iman proudly.
Read more stories about refugee families and diplaced communities as they rebuild their lives.
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Want to know more?Learn how we are helping internally displaced Syrians, refugees and host communities in Syrian, Lebanon, and Jordan.