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Case Study: Global Communities’ Approach to CLTS in Liberia

Published 05/20/2015 by Global Communities

Global Communities’ Approach to CLTS:

Enhancing a Proven Methodology for Liberia
Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an effective, affordable and adaptable approach to eliminate open defecation. It promotes universal sanitation access while reducing community dependence on donor subsidy and fosters community buy-in and demand for safe sanitation and improved hygiene. Global Communities has adapted the CLTS model to more specifically suit the Liberian WASH context – what we call CLTS+.
As part of the $10 million USAID-funded Improved Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IWASH) program, which was implemented between 2010 and 2015, Global Communities worked with communities and the Government of Liberia to develop this approach. Through IWASH, 284 of 351 partner communities became open defecation-free (ODF) in Bong, Lofa and Nimba counties. Since then, Global Communities has guided an additional 29 communities to ODF status through ongoing programs, and plans to trigger more than 700 more communities by early 2016. 
Please read our case study to learn more about the process and results of our IWASH work in Liberia as well as its role in Global Communities response to Ebola.