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Jordan: USAID Community Engagement Project

Published 12/21/2014 by Global Communities

Jordan: USAID Community Engagement Project
The U.S. Agency for International Development Community Engagement Project (USAID CEP) is a three-year, $21-million project implemented by Global Communities in collaboration with Al Jidara and the Jordan River Foundation.
USAID CEP builds cohesion and enhances the resilience of communities to address evolving challenges associated with regional volatility, domestic policy reform, economic conditions, and demographic changes. USAID CEP works with partner communities, Jordanian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community based organizations (CBOs), local governments, and the private sector at the grassroots level. It identifies pressures that communities are facing and helps develop activities to alleviate them.
To learn more, read the USAID CEP factsheet in English or Arabic.