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Loan Guarantee Facilities: Promoting Business in Emerging Economies

Published 01/09/2015 by Global Communities

Loan Guarantee Facilities: Promoting Business in Emerging Economies
Global Communities is an experienced provider of financial services. Our work in financial inclusion began by pioneering housing microfinance in the 1980s and today provides support in the areas of micro, SME and housing finance. Since 2008, Global Communities has been a leading provider of loan guarantees, in partnership with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the US Agency for International Development and US Department of Agriculture. Through our loan guarantee facilities, we help businesses in emerging economies that are too large for traditional microfinance and too small for commercial banks to access credit, by partially guaranteeing the loans of commercial bank partners. This helps to diversify and strengthen developing economies, and provides incentives to commercial banks to begin lending to markets they previously would not have considered.
Read more about Global Communities’ work with loan guarantee facilities here.