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Promoting Economic Cooperation in Collaboration with Rural Small Holders
Published 10/05/2015 by Global Communities

Promoting Economic Cooperation in Collaboration with Rural Small Holders
Worldwide, the rural poor face similar constraints to generating income. Livelihoods are predominately based in small-scale, low productivity agriculture and farmers often lack the resources and knowledge to improve productivity and access more lucrative markets.
Global Communities has been working to support cooperatives for over 60 years. Our vision and mission are to promote and develop cooperatives that are community-based, drive economic growth, increase member incomes and promote inclusive, democratic practices. Our objective is to facilitate strong, market-oriented cooperative development programming that responds to cooperative member needs and serve their members. Our strategy is to engage with communities to facilitate economic cooperatives – while observing the principle of independence – based in member needs and rigorous value chain analysis to promote market driven success and raise incomes.
Read more about our EMIRGE and DESIGN programs here.