Humanitarian Assistance

Global Communities Ramps Up Hot Meal Distribution, Nutrition Assistance in Gaza 

Amid widespread and severe food insecurity in Gaza, Global Communities, in collaboration with the World Food Programme (WFP), has started tripling the number of hot …

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Charting a Safer Future: How Guatemala’s Communities are Preparing for Natural Disasters

The latest Humanitarian Needs Overview estimates that 75% of the Guatemalan population live in areas at risk of climate hazards. The Central American country is …

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Protecting Children in Emergencies: Perspectives from Syria and Ukraine

By Emily Galloway, Tarek Fakhereddin, Nataliia Biloshytska and Tania Dudnyk Global Communities has a rich history of providing emergency aid and protection services to refugees …

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Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile World: Reflections from the 2024 Fragility Forum  

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs   Last month, the World Bank held its 2024 Fragility Forum – a biannual conference that brings together …

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How to Develop Climate & Disaster Risk Finance Strategies: Reflections from the COP28

By Patricia Inga Falcón & Noah Steinberg-Di Stefano At the end of last year, more than 80,000 world leaders and climate justice advocates gathered in …

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Making Space for Economic Growth in Ukraine’s Lanovetska Community

For years, Lanovetska Territorial Community, located in Ternopil oblast of Ukraine, was off the global economic map. Aspiring entrepreneurs were stifled by this isolation. However, …

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‘Survival, Resilience and Solidarity’: Our Relief Efforts in Gaza

By Maureen Simpson Now over four months in, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached catastrophic levels, with one in four households facing famine levels …

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Building Community and Supporting Internally Displaced People with Integration Efforts in Ukraine

By Tania Dudnyk It took eight years for Yuliia to shake off the feeling of numbness and fully integrate into the Ukrainian community where she …

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Mother-Daughter Duo Hatch Success with Poultry Farming Business in Rural Guatemala

Elsa Carrillo and her daughter Debora have found that sometimes it’s worth it to put all your eggs in one basket – especially when you …

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Localizing Humanitarian Assistance to Help Meet Needs of Marginalized Groups in Ukraine

By Tania Dudnyk “For the first time in my life working in the public sector, we as an organization not only provide assistance but receive …

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Ukraine’s Resilience Strengthened by Grassroots Psychosocial Support and Civic Partnerships

By Tania Dudnyk Chernihiv oblast has been one of the regions most severely affected by the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. When it was under …

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Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Settings

By Emily Galloway, Sr. Advisor for Global Protection, Global Communities Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive issue that disproportionately affects women, girls and vulnerable individuals …

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Supporting War-Affected People in Ukraine: Insights from Our Protection Manager

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs at Global Communities I remember feeling frightened and devastated when the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine began …

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Hygiene Promotion Volunteers Help Make Clean Water Count in Communities

Until a few months ago, the community of El Bijao did not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Residents of the western Honduras …

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Brainstorming Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Diverse Programming

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs & Chioma Okafor, Sr. Technical Advisor for Local Capacity Strengthening Last month InterAction held its annual Forum, …

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Teacher Uprooted by War in Ukraine Helps Displaced Children Find Healing in Nature

By Tania Dudnyk In March 2022, Anna was heading from Kharkiv, Ukraine, to the western part of the country, fleeing the war with no idea …

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Helping Families Piece Life, Homes Back Together in Ukraine’s Chernihiv Oblast

By Tania Dudnyk Chernihiv Oblast is among the top five regions of Ukraine most affected by Russia’s invasion on February 24, 2022. Due to its …

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Building a Foundation of Hope: Supporting Guatemalan Households to Combat Shelter Challenges and Food Insecurity

Over the past few years, vulnerable communities in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, have faced the triple shock of COVID-19, prolonged periods of drought and increasingly severe hurricane …

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