Validation of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (KAPREP) among Key Populations in Honduras: A New Tool

This poster, presented in 2024 at the 25th International AIDS Conference by Global Communities, introduced a new tool for measuring perceptions, practices and attitudes regarding PrEP use among key populations in Honduras. The poster also highlighted results from a study based on this tool conducted in 2021-2022 in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the National University of Honduras.

Main finding. There are significant differences among key population groups in Honduras regarding their knowledge and attitudes about PrEP. Sex workers and serodiscordant individuals presented lower scores on all KAPREP scale factors compared to other groups.

Key takeaway. KAPREP is a more comprehensive scale with good psychometric quality for general use in other studies aiming to monitor and measure diverse  perceptions, practices and attitudes regarding PrEP use in a single questionnaire.

Authors. L.I Zambrano, L.A. Medina, I. Fuentes, F. Muñoz, I. Lorenzana, E. Palou, A.L. de Souza, M. Cooper.

Project. Honduras HIV 2 Project, funded by The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.