Journeys of Transformation Program to Engage Men as Allies in Women’s Economic Empowerment: Key Outcome Evaluation Findings

This brief summarizes the evaluation results from the first implementation of the adapted Journeys of Transformation (JoT) program in Guatemala, known in Spanish as Caminos a la Transformación (CaT). JoT actively engages men in critical reflection and hands-on activities in a group education format to promote four main outcomes: 1) women’s economic autonomy and participation in income generating activities, 2) more equitable division of domestic and caregiving work, 3) improved communication with partners and more balanced decision-making, and 4) reduction of intimate partner violence perpetrated by men. The adapted JoT curriculum was implemented with men and their female partners who participated in a Village Savings and Loans program called Women Empowered (WE) led by Global Communities in rural and indigenous communities in the municipality of Cuilco, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

Published 11/16/2022 by Global Communities