Worker Cooperative Business Model: Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment through Solar Power
Cooperatives Leadership Engagement, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR) program, funded by the USAID Bureau of Economic Growth, Education and Environment is implemented by Global Communities in Kenya to strengthen the cooperative business ecosystem. CLEAR’s focus includes the following: Improving cooperative business-enabling environments through regulatory reform; Improving cooperative business performance through tailored capacity building; and testing and analyzing positive behaviors among cooperative members because of their cooperative association and membership. CLEAR aims to promote youth and women socio-economic empowerment through the cooperative business model by tapping into existing opportunities in the service industry. CLEAR provides direct technical assistance through our team of cooperative coaches to worker owned and housing cooperatives to help prime growth-oriented cooperatives for success. Here is a story on one CLEAR’s partner worker cooperatives in Kenya.
Published 08/23/2022 by Global Communities