Pass the Mic: Localizing Child Protection Interventions in Ukraine’s Humanitarian Context

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs Global Communities has a rich history of implementing Child Protection in Emergencies programs. Our interventions are multifaced, ranging from psychosocial counselling and art therapy classes to life skills, literacy and parenting sessions. In countries where institutional services are weak, Global Communities delivers these services directly, including through…

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Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile World: Reflections from the 2024 Fragility Forum  

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs   Last month, the World Bank held its 2024 Fragility Forum – a biannual conference that brings together policymakers, researchers and practitioners from humanitarian, development and peacebuilding communities to exchange knowledge and ideas about how to improve our approaches in fragile, conflict and violence-affected settings. This year’s theme…

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Challenging Malnutrition When Widespread Hunger Prevails in Yemen

One-year-old Mohammed and his family live in the Qa’atabah district of Yemen, near constant conflict that has killed and injured civilians and impeded access to essential goods and services for the past seven years. When volunteers from the Yemen Emergency Food Assistance (YEFA) III program first met Mohammed, he was 14 months old and suffering…

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