Commissioning Ceremony Marks Milestone for Water Accessibility in Northern Ghana

On April 18, a historic event unfolded in Nawuhugu, located in the Northern Region of Ghana, as community members, local chiefs, esteemed dignitaries and stakeholders gathered to witness the commissioning of a vital water system. The event, organized by Global Communities Ghana, marked a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to improve water accessibility and…

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‘Game-Changing’ Water System Introduced in Northern Ghana

In the heart of the Bole District in Northern Ghana lies the serene and welcoming Mandari Community, a place that has seen significant transformation thanks to Global Communities and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). A solar-powered mechanized water system was introduced there as part of the USAID-funded WASH for Health program, making…

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Simple Innovation Helps Rural Communities in Ghana Improve Latrine Construction & Sanitation

By Megan Bohan The Ghana Enhancing Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (EN-WASH) Activity aims to increase the use of sustainable, equitable, quality and district-wide WASH services in communities and health care facilities. Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Global Communities, EN-WASH also addresses the adoption of sustainable WASH practices…

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