How Oral Information Management Tools Boost Women’s Financial Literacy and Savings in Ethiopia

women counting money in a women's group in Ethiopia

By Jessica Ayala, Sr. Manager for Digital Communications Savings groups—often referred to as informal community banks—are small groups of people who save together and lend to each other from their pooled funds. Globally, as many as 500 million people belong to savings groups. Approximately 80% of members are women, and many savings groups programs are…

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Catalyzing Success for Sri Lanka’s Women Entrepreneurs through SCORE

Over 50 women entrepreneurs from across Sri Lanka recently gathered for “SCORE Women in Action: Advancing Women Entrepreneurs Through Digital Technology.” The event was organized by Global Communities, in collaboration with the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR), as part of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Social Cohesion and Reconciliation (SCORE)…

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Empowering Women in India through Self-Help Groups

By Sushmita Mukherjee Global Communities believes in the power and potential of women’s collectives to bring about positive change. In India, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, is working to design and test community-based solutions that will make meaningful advancement toward gender equality. Specifically, we work with women’s collectives within the Self-Help Group (SHG) structure, nurtured…

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Expanding Possibilities for Women Entrepreneurs in Guatemala

By Jessica Ayala Just over a year ago, Sucely Rocsana Reyes Molina never would have imagined that she would own a flourishing formal dairy business with so many opportunities in the market.   Today, the 30-year-old single mother has multiple people who help her deliver 15 types of cheeses and creams, expanding her business well…

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