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Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available!

Published 05/24/2016 by Global Communities

Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available!
This year’s annual report contains:

The Sustainable Development Goals – how Global Communities is partnering to help achieve the SDGs;

Research and Evidence – from Liberia to Uganda, Honduras to Rwanda, read about Global Communities work in M&E, Research and Learning, and the evidence that we use to underpin our approach globally;

Humanitarian Assistance – from Ebola to Syria, Yemen and disaster risk reduction in the Americas, Global Communities’ approach to humanitarian assistance is designed to bridge the gap of developing resilience and emergency response;

Financial Inclusion – from micro-entrepreneurs to demonstrating to banks that SMEs are credit-worthy, read about how our partnerships, especially in the Middle East, are helping diversify and strengthen economies under strain;

Strategic Partnerships – read about our diverse range of partnerships across the globe with corporate and foundation partners to ensure we meet our mission with a double bottom line.
We welcome you to learn about the broad range of work we undertake across the globe with your assistance, our impact, and the ways we can work together to achieve through partnership. Together, we are Global Communities, Partners for Good.