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Global Communities and PCI Stand in Solidarity for Racial Justice

Published 06/02/2020 by Global Communities

Dear friends,

The murder of George Floyd, yet another unarmed Black man, and the events of this past week have left so many of us feeling a profound sense of outrage, distrust and grief. Every single day, the Black community endures profiling, violence and inequality due to systemic racism and injustice. As organizations dedicated to lifting the lives of the world’s most vulnerable, we stand with Black communities here at home as allies in the call for immediate and real change. The racial inequities in the United States are an affront to our values and the things we stand for at Global Communities and at PCI, a Global Communities Partner. We are heartened that millions of Americans from every state and every walk of life stand with us in this call.

The two of us who sign this letter state unequivocally that Black Lives Matter and that the loss of life, entrenched violence and unequal treatment of the Black community must end now. That commitment is engrained in our DNA as organizations committed to community-led change and honoring the dignity and common humanity of all people.
We recognize the deep pain of our Black colleagues who face persistent racial inequality and injustice on a daily basis. We hold you close to our hearts and commit to creating the conditions where love and acceptance can thrive here, in our organizations, and beginning in our own hearts. We are dedicated to ensuring a workplace safe from racism and discrimination. It will not be tolerated.

Today, we as individuals are donating to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund to support the important work they are doing to bring about racial justice and an end to violence. We are working to take a series of other steps in addition to help us become the anti-racist organizations we aspire to be. We welcome your thoughts and ideas, as this is only the beginning of this conversation. There is so much more to do, and we will walk that path together.

We know that the path to change is long and difficult, but we also know progress is possible when we move forward together. We look toward the future with hope for a fairer, more equal and more just world for all.

In solidarity and commitment,
David A. Weiss, CEO, Global Communities
Carrie Hessler-Radelet, President, Global Communities and President & CEO, PCI, a Global Communities Partner