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My Home as a Safe Space/Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro

Published 02/23/2017 by Global Communities

Booklet: My Home as a Safe Space / Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro

The Knowledge and Risk Reduction Program, funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, helped families to ensure their homes are safe places in the event of a natural disaster, such as floods and mudslides. The program was implemented in Medellin, Colombia. One aspect was the “Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro” campaign “My home as a safe space,” which equipped families with a helpful booklet full of information and practices for ensuring their homes are resilient. The booklet was complemented by a poster designed for display in a home, which shows how many steps toward safety each home has taken. This approach, adapted from public health programming, used behavior change to ensure safety for Colombian families in risk-prone neighborhoods of Medellin, and is now being carried out by the Medellin municipal government to an even wider audience throughout the city.

Please view the booklet, “My Home as a Safe Space” or “Mi Casa Como Espacio Seguro” (in Spanish) here.