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USAID CLEAR Program in Kenya Launches a Series of Worker Cooperative Videos

Published 12/14/2022 by Global Communities

Kenya has a vibrant and dynamic cooperative movement. The worker cooperative model, while new to the Kenyan Cooperative sector, is gaining attention and recognition as a tool for equitable economic development and job creation. In the United States, worker cooperatives have been gaining popularity over the years and their success is making a big impact. In Kenya, worker cooperatives are just getting started.

The Cooperative Leadership, Engagement, Advocacy and Research (CLEAR) Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Global Communities, is working to support worker cooperatives to build their business identity and improve their performance to remain competitive in the ever-changing business environment. Global Communities has a long history of cooperative development, providing technical support to cooperatives through governance, business and finance management, and marketing. CLEAR teamed up with four of its partner worker cooperatives to launch a series of videos that capture real-life stories of newly established worker cooperatives.

The videos show a compelling story of how worker cooperatives can strengthen members’ lives and contribute to Kenya’s economic development. Over the last five years, CLEAR has provided technical business coaching and supported the cooperatives through their registration and growth stage. Today, the program incubates nine worker cooperatives that have access to coaching in business planning, financial management, governance and gender equity. The worker cooperatives represent many sectors including construction, arts and theatre, waste management and solar energy.

The following videos tell the stories of real-life opportunities found in worker cooperatives as well as the transformative benefits the cooperative model offers to its members.

Watch below to learn more:

YouTube Video

Funditech was registered in 2017 as a Service Cooperative for certified builders and construction trade workers. The cooperative is redefining the way reliable fundis (artisans) are integrated into the building and construction industry by providing quality service delivery while upholding the spirit of the democratic business entity that they are. The cooperative has brought together skilled artisans with various specialties and expertise along the construction value chain.

YouTube Video

Chipukizi Voice Of Drama (VOD) was registered as a performing arts workers cooperative in 2019. They are based at the Co-operative University of Kenya and members are comprised of students and alumni. Members have a passion to perform and use their joy-filled gifts in drama, dance and song to entertain audiences at events and ceremonies for which they are paid.

YouTube Video

Kigro Recyclers was established in 2019 by youth entrepreneurs as a waste collection enterprise with a goal to tackle the growing problem of unemployment and garbage collection in the streets of Nairobi, Kenya. The worker cooperative is managed and owned by members themselves.

YouTube Video

WISEe worker cooperative was formed by women engineers, technicians and trainers working in the renewable energy sector in Kenya. Through the WISEe worker cooperative, young skilled women provide solar lighting solutions across the East African market.