Global Waters Radio: Sanitation Behavior Change in Liberia

Global Waters Radio: Sanitation Behavior Change in Liberia This interview originally appeared on Global Waters Radio. “When you’re looking at behavior change projects, it is very important to have it locally contextualized.” —Piet deVries, Senior WASH Specialist Piet deVries is Senior WASH Specialist and Liberia Country Director for Global Communities, a Maryland-based NGO with programs in more…

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American Red Cross and Global Communities Helping to Rebuild Neighborhoods in Haiti

American Red Cross and Global Communities Helping to Rebuild Neighborhoods in Haiti With support from the American Red Cross, Global Communities with its partner Build Change are implementing the $18.8 million  Lavi Miyo Nan Katye pa’m Nan (LAMIKA) program over 37 months. LAMIKA is an urban integrated neighborhood reconstruction and recovery program being implemented in Carrefour-Feuilles, a poor residential…

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Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda

Multipurpose Cooperative Entities Challenge Cooperative Sector in Uganda By Richard Mujuni, Program Officer, DESIGN team, Uganda This article originally appeared on the Global Cooperative Learning Platform. One of the major impediments to growing cooperative structures in Uganda is born from the multipurpose nature of our umbrella organizations. For example, in Mubende (just west of Kampala), there is…

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Building More Resilient Communities in South Sudan

Building More Resilient Communities in South Sudan The USAID-funded Promoting Resiliency through Ongoing Participatory Engagement and Learning (PROPEL) program, implemented by Global Communities and Catholic Relief Services, is bringing together communities and strengthening their capacity to drive their own development through harnessing their own resources, leveraging other donor-funded programs, and advocating for additional support to…

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The Cooperative Movement in Kenya: When a Sector Comes to a T-Junction

The Cooperative Movement in Kenya: When a Sector Comes to a T-Junction By Johnson Kithendu, Co-operatives Specialist & Country Lead, Global Communities, Kenya This article originally appeared on the Global Cooperative Learning Platform. In 2010, Kenya changed its entire constitution after many years of advocacy, activism, and frustrations. The Constitution of 2010 is hailed by many…

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Global Communities in India: Empowering Communities to Sustain Positive Change

Global Communities in India: Empowering Communities to Sustain Positive Change Since 2003, Global Communities has been partnering with India’s local governments, national ministries, corporations and hundreds of communities across the country to design and implement programs that reduce poverty and empower communities to sustain positive change. Global Communities’ programs help stakeholders create more-inclusive growth by…

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How Jordan Makes Local Governments Work in the Midst of the World’s Largest Refugee Crisis

How Jordan Makes Local Governments Work in the Midst of the World’s Largest Refugee Crisis An influx of Syrians has strained city services but has fostered cooperation to meet the needs of a dramatically increased population. By Erin Leonardson This story originally appeared in USAID Frontlines. Throughout the uprisings of the Arab Spring, while sharing…

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Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available!

Global Communities 2015 Annual Report is available! This year’s annual report contains: The Sustainable Development Goals – how Global Communities is partnering to help achieve the SDGs; Research and Evidence – from Liberia to Uganda, Honduras to Rwanda, read about Global Communities work in M&E, Research and Learning, and the evidence that we use to underpin our approach globally;…

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Syria’s Crisis: Helping Families Survive in War-torn Areas

By Pia Wanek, Director of Humanitarian Assistance, Global Communities This article originally appeared in Devex. In a humanitarian crisis, the image of emergency aid is often one of distribution: boxes of food, blankets and other staples being flung off of flatbeds into outstretched hands. Yet as the Syrian conflict enters its fifth year, emerging evidence…

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Humanitarian Responders: Are We Accountable to Beneficiaries?

Humanitarian Responders: Are We Accountable to Beneficiaries? By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. This month, the first ever World Humanitarian Summit is being held in Istanbul, Türkiye. The timing and location could not be more apt. We are witnessing a rapid increase in humanitarian crises,…

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Robyn McGuckin to Serve as Collegiate Wind Competition Judge

Robyn McGuckin to Serve as Collegiate Wind Competition Judge Global Communities’ Vice President of International Operations, Robyn McGuckin, has been named a judge for the U.S. Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition which will take place May 24-25, 2016 at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) WINDPOWER conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Throughout McGuckin’s career, she has helped…

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Our City, Our Say: Including All Voices in Local Governance in Ghana (video)

Our City, Our Say: Including All Voices in Local Governance in Ghana (video) The Our City, Our Say program, funded by Making All Voices Count, worked to increase citizens’ participation in local governance in the metropolitan area of Sekondi-Takoradi. Working with the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA), the program to improved public service delivery by increasing…

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Cash-based Response Feasibility Assessment in Northern Syria

Cash-based Response Feasibility Assessment in Northern Syria As the conflict in Syria extends beyond the fourth year, there is need for a widespread humanitarian response focused on urban areas that addresses humanitarian needs and promotes resilience for the 13.5 million people in need of protection and humanitarian assistance within Syria. The majority of humanitarian assistance…

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Global Communities-Peace Corps Partnership Continues

Global Communities-Peace Corps Partnership Continues Last month under the USAID Twiyubake program, Global Communities partnered with the US Peace Corps to deliver training on the joint Community Finance Initiative (CFI)  to 22 Peace Corps Volunteers, 23 Community Counterpart Facilitators, and 25 staff from Rwandan Partners Organizations (RPOs). Participants were trained in various aspects of community…

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M&E for “Collaboration, Learning and Adapting” in PACE

M&E for “Collaboration, Learning and Adapting” in PACE By Joanna Springer, Research & Evaluation Technical Specialist, PROPEL; Brett Sedgewick, Technical Advisor for Food Security & Livelihoods; Patrick O’Mahony, Chief of Party, PROPEL Introduction A project’s M&E activities serve a variety of purposes and constituencies, including beneficiaries and stakeholders, project management, the donor and headquarters. How often…

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Nancy E. Roman Joins Global Communities’ Board of Trustees

Nancy E. Roman Joins Global Communities’ Board of Trustees Silver Spring, Maryland – Global Communities today announced the appointment of Nancy E. Roman, President and CEO of the Capital Area Food Bank, to its Board of Trustees. “We are so pleased to welcome Ms. Roman to the Board of Global Communities,” said Robert A. Mosbacher,…

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Land and Rural Development Policy Reforms in Colombia: The Path to Peace

Land and Rural Development Policy Reforms in Colombia: The Path to Peace Land tenure insecurity inhibits the development of Colombia’s rural areas and agricultural sector, prevents the government from addressing the country’s development challenges, and is responsible for an armed conflict that devastated the country for over 50 years. The magnitude of the impact of the…

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