Promoting Awareness of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

Global Communities Honduras Hosts Discussion on Slavery in the 21st Century U.S. Ambassador Lisa Kubiske speaks on the topic of combating slavery in the 21st century. U.S. Ambassador Lisa Kubiske, Global Communities Honduras and the Inter-Agency Committee Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Honduras (CICESCT) conducted a talk entitled “Slavery in the 21st…

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Liberia: Partnering With Booker Washington Institute for Liberian Youth

Liberia: Partnering With Booker Washington Institute for Liberian Youth This story originally appeared on As part of Chevron’s commitment to promoting social progress in Liberia, it has formed partnerships focused on education, a building block for improving the quality of life in communities. The company’s partnership with Booker Washington Institute (BWI) is just one…

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The Development Dilemma: Give a man a fish or teach him to fish?

The Development Dilemma: Give a man a fish or teach him to fish? A mapping exercise in Ghana reveals the tensions between addressing immediate needs and fighting for long-term solutions By Ishmael Adams, Director, IncluCity Project This article originally appeared in the Guardian. In Sekondi-Takoradi only 24% houses are legal. Does that mean those living…

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Women Entrepreneurs Help Pilot India’s First Citywide Recycling Program

Trash to Treasure: Women Entrepreneurs Help Pilot India’s First Citywide Recycling Program By Brian English, Director, Office of Program Innovation This article originally on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizen Center blog. As the world races headlong into the urban age, cities across developing countries are facing the significant challenges of governing increasingly…

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Haiti Earthquake Anniversary: Rebuilding, Recovery and Renewal

Haiti Earthquake Anniversary: Rebuilding, Recovery and Renewal January 12th, 2014 marks the fourth anniversary of the earthquake which devastated Haiti. When the earthquake struck, Global Communities had been working in partnership with Haitian communities since 2006 implementing a large-scale program that promoted stability by creating jobs and rehabilitating much-needed infrastructure. In response to the earthquake,…

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Rwanda to Host Global Conference on Food Security

Rwanda to Host Global Conference on Food Security By Ivan Ngoboka This story originally appeared in the New Times. Rwanda will, at the dawn of 2014, host the fourth annual International Food Security conference. The three-day summit, scheduled to start on January 13 under the theme, “Cracking the Nut,” was announced yesterday at a news conference…

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Bruce Parmelee Receives Global Communities “Building a Better World” Award

Bruce Parmelee Receives Global Communities “Building a Better World” Award   Bruce Parmelee (left) receives the “Building A Better World” award from Global Communities President and CEO David Weiss for his dedication to working with local communities. Silver Spring, MD – On December 12, 2013, Bruce Parmelee received the Global Communities “Building a Better World” award for…

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Katye: Rebuilding a Neighborhood in Haiti

Katye: Rebuilding a Neighborhood in Haiti As part of an integrated approach, Global Communities implemented the groundbreaking USAID-funded Katye urban reconstruction program in the neighborhood of Ravine Pintade, in Port-au-Prince. The integrated approach provided rubble removal and shelter building services, while working with the community to plan for green spaces, plots for schools, and proper access…

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Syrian Refugee Crisis: Rapid Needs Assessment Report in Lebanon

Syrian Refugee Crisis: Rapid Needs Assessment Report in Lebanon Executive Summary In response to the continued Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon, Global Communities’ Office of Humanitarian Assistance conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment in Mt Lebanon’s Chouf, Baabda and Aley districts to better understand the level of vulnerability of Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities. The assessment utilized…

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VIP Profile: Carrie Beason Chandrarasurin, Jillian Christie, Caitlin Kelly, Tiffany Law and Anael Ngando

VIP Profile: Carrie Beason Chandrarasurin, Jillian Christie, Caitlin Kelly, Tiffany Law and Anael Ngando Rwanda, November 2013 Using the Most Significant Change Method to Evaluate Ejo Heza Program Impact In the second practicum partnership between Global Communities and the American University (AU), School of International Service), Washington, DC, a team of five AU volunteers applied…

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Update on Global Communities Humanitarian Efforts in the Philippines

Update on Global Communities Humanitarian Efforts in the Philippines Following the devastating effects of Typhoon Haiyan in many Filipino communities last month, Global Communities deployed an experienced team to assess the situation in northern Cebu, eastern Samar and Leyte, which confirmed that shelter and livelihood support remains the top two priority needs throughout the affected…

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USAID Community Engagement Project Celebrates Completion of Projects in Al Mafraq, Jordan

USAID Community Engagement Project (CEP) Celebrates Completion of 11 Development Projects in Al Mafraq, Jordan USAID Associate Administrator Mark Feierstein and USAID/Jordan Mission Director Beth Paige pitched in with students and community volunteers to help upgrade Al Matallah Elementary School. Mafraq, Jordan — Government officials, Mafraq community members, children, teachers, media representatives and a USAID…

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Services for Corporations

Services for Corporations Global Communities provides corporations with a range of services to help them meet their CSR goals worldwide. With more than 60 years of global experience, we partner with companies to enhance new market development and long-term profitability. Our private sector collaborations cement the corporate social license with projects that strengthen the local…

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Cooperative Advocacy: A Guide for Advocating Cooperative Reform

Cooperative Advocacy: A Practical Guide for Advocating Cooperative Legal and Regulatory Reform Preface This publication is written for national cooperative organizations and their volunteer cooperative leaders and staff members around the world, who are the main intended audiences for CLARITY, the Cooperative Law and Regulation Initiative. The goal of CLARITY is to develop a cooperative-led…

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Africa’s New Generation of Young Leaders

Africa’s New Generation of Young Leaders By David Weiss, President and CEO, Global Communities This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post.  Despite bleak messages about the state of African politics, young leaders like Rose Mbone (right) demonstrate that there is reason for optimism. Recently, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation chose not to award its $5 million…

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Global Communities’ Response to Typhoon Haiyan

In the week since Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines and devastated the lives and livelihoods of thousands of Filipino communities, many aid agencies have responded to bring immediate relief to vulnerable and affected communities. Global Communities is not a “first-responder.” On occasions, Global Communities has been part of the immediate response to a disaster –…

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