Global Communities Archives
CHF Haiti: Clearing the Neighborhood of Nazon
CHF Haiti: Clearing the Neighborhood of Nazon After the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti, many buildings were irrepara-bly damaged especially in and around the country’s capital Port-au-Prince. The pace of reconstruction has been severely delayed because people still cannot return to their neighborhoods or homes. Due to the presence of unsafe damaged buildings its…
Read MorePollution Affecting Fishermen’s Livelihoods in Ghana
Pollution Affecting Fishermen’s Livelihoods in Ghana By Nathan Gadugah This article originally appeared on PHOTO: Fishermen sorting trash from their day’s catch. CHF’s SCALE-UP Program is working to promote effective waste management in Ga Mashie. On a daily basis, choked gutters in Alajo, Nima, Odawna and several others in Accra become tributaries to the Korle…
Read MoreCHF Haiti: CHF Builds Capacity of Cap Haitien Fisherman’s Cooperative
CHF Haiti: CHF Builds Capacity of Cap Haitien Fisherman’s Cooperative On March 29, CHF and the Fisherman’s Cooperative of Petite-Anse celebrated completion of a livelihoods program in Cap Haitien that is already helping fishermen earn three times as much money as they did before. The cooperative, better known by its French acronym, COPPA, worked with CHF…
Read MoreCHF Colombia Recognizes Mine Awareness Day
CHF Colombia- International Mine Awareness Day On April 8th, the Ovejas, San Onofre, El Carmen de Bolivar and San Jacinto Bolivar communities in the Montes de Maria region of Colombia will come together in recognition of International Mine Awareness Day. This day, begun by the United Nations in 2005, will take place in El Carmen…
Read MorePoverty Atlas Helping Governments and Policy Makers with Urban Planning in Ghana
Poverty Atlas Helping Governments and Policy Makers with Urban Planning in Ghana Lack of accurate information is a major challenge for local governments when making urban planning decisions. To address this challenge CHF worked with the munipcal government in Sekondi Takoradi, Ghana to develop a poverty atlas to assist policy makers and planners to better manage resources…
Read MoreWorld Health Day: Preventing Disease Around the World
World Health Day: Preventing Disease Around the World Healthy communities provide a foundation for spurring economic, political and social development. Preventing and responding to disease is a critical component of helping communities achieve their goals, and CHF International is working to help these communities become more resistant and reactive to sickness. Our work in health…
Read MoreChristine Seyboe Tour is Helping Reshape Liberia with her Salon, One Girl at a Time
Christine Seyboe Tour is Helping Reshape Liberia with her Salon, One Girl at a Time This article originally appeared in wowElle. Christine Seyboe Tour’s middle name ought to be ‘determination’. Nothing else would suffice to explain the spirit of a 11 year old refugee, separated from her parents from Liberia, thrown into a refugee camp…
Read MoreMeet Christine Tour: The Future of Liberia
Meet Christine Tour: The Future of Liberia This article originally appeared in the Huffington Post. By David Weiss, President and CEO of CHF International Imagine you are age 11 and are suddenly torn from your home and thrust into an improvised camp in a place where you don’t speak the language. Your father’s health deteriorates rapidly…
Read MoreCHF Ghana- Improving Access to Sanitation in Urban Schools
CHF Ghana- Improving Access to Sanitation in Urban Schools By Augustine Adams, CHF Ghana PHOTO: Hand-washing stations provide a sanitary place to wash up. A public school latrine constructed under CHF’s WASH-UP program in Ghana was inaugurated and handed over to the Accra New Town Cluster of Schools this month. The United States Ambassador to…
Read MoreCrisis in North Africa: CHF responding to the needs of conflict-affected populations
March 9, 2011 — The escalating conflict in Libya is creating regional chaos and uncertainty, forcing mass displacement to neighboring countries. More than 200,000 people have fled to Tunisia and Egypt. Over half of these are in Tunisia, creating a burden for the local host population and straining already overstretched services, such as water, sanitation,…
Read MoreA Better Road for a Better Life: Improving Access for Residents of Port-au-Prince
A Better Road for a Better Life: Improving Access for Residents of Port-au-Prince The road is not only “pure misery” for the lives of those living there but also due to its poor state, it blocks up traffic and makes the capital’s transportation problems even worse. At the same time, stagnant muddy waters that are…
Read MoreThe Road to the Citadel: Helping Haiti’s Tourism Sector
The Road to the Citadel: Helping Haiti’s Tourism Sector Haiti’s lone UNESCO World Heritage Site, judged as the most historically significant locations around the globe, encompasses both the Laferrière Citadel and Sans Souci Palace. Both date from the early 19th century as Haiti emerged as an independent state. While the Citadel is the largest fortress…
Read MoreGlobetrotting is a Way of Life for Nonprofit’s Technical Officer
Globetrotting is a Way of Life for Nonprofit’s Technical Officer This article originally appeared on By Alison Bryant PHOTO: Chris Gegenheimer (left) and an Iraqi staff member demonstrate the community participation process that the Cooperative Housing Foundation International, a Silver Spring nonprofit, used while working in Iraq. Chris Gegenheimer landed in Haiti. A few…
Read MorePeacebuilding
Peacebuilding CHF International develops and employs effective strategies for sustainable reconciliation, conflict management, and community mobilization by identifying and supporting individuals and groups with stakes in stability – those who stand to benefit most from peace and progressive governance. Our initiatives seek to catalyze sustainable, transformational change that moves societies away from the brink of…
Read MoreMangoes and Tees: the Next Phase of Haitian Recovery?
Mangoes and Tees: the Next Phase of Haitian Recovery? Focus on Agriculture and Manufacturing Offers Opportunities for a New Generation This article originally appeared in USAID Frontlines. By Jayanthi Narain PHOTO: John Atis, the regional director for USAID’s Watershed Initiative for National Natural Environmental Resources (WINNER) program in Kenscoff, Haiti, talks about cabbage grown at the Wynne…
Read MoreCHF International to Implement Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Program with the Global Fund in Colombia
CHF International to Implement Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Program with the Global Fund in Colombia Silver Spring, MD (March 10, 2011) – CHF International (CHF), the Silver Spring-MD based international development and humanitarian assistance organization, announced it signed an agreement with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to implement a two-year HIV and AIDS…
Read MoreWalmart Commits More Than $2.5 Million to Empower Women in Latin America
Walmart Commits More Than $2.5 Million to Empower Women in Latin America View original article here. The Walmart Foundation is committing more than $2.5 million in grants to projects aimed at improving the lives of women in Latin America. Through the Latin America Women’s Initiative, projects funded in six countries will help empower more than…
Read MoreCHF-Haiti Mobilizing to Prevent Cholera
CHF-Haiti Mobilizing to Prevent Cholera In response to the cholera outbreak that hit Haiti in late October 2010, CHF International has been training and mobilizing volunteers to deliver cholera prevention messages and directly reach out to people in affected communities. Funds from USAID/OFDA helped to pay for mobilization in five areas: Gonaives, Port-au-Prince, Leogane, Cap Haitien and Carrefour.…
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