Food Security & Agriculture

Stimulating a Reliable Market for Maize

Stimulating a Reliable Market for Maize By Elizabeth Adams, Technical Specialist, Agriculture & Food Security, Global Communities. Originally published on Medium In Kenya, maize markets are …

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DREAMS Partnership Finalist for 2018 P3 Impact Award

DREAMS Partnership Finalist for 2018 P3 Impact Award Originally posted on US Department of State website Finalists for the 2018 P3 Impact Award were announced …

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Facilitating a More Enabling Environment

This post was written by Karla Yoder, Economic Development Specialist at Global Communities and originally appeared on Feed the Future Agrilinks As market systems development …

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Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict

Publication: Resilience through Humanitarian Assistance: Agriculture in the Syria Conflict Global Communities has been responding to the Syrian conflict since 2013. In that time, we …

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Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership

Video: John Deere Foundation and Global Communities Partnership Global Communities has been partnering with the John Deere Foundation since 2012 to implement community development projects …

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Global Communities and John Deere Foundation Expand Partnership in South America

Sowing Futures in Brazil and Argentina: Global Communities and John Deere Foundation Expand Partnership in South America Silver Spring, MD  (April 13, 2018) – Global …

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VIP: Evan Bartlett, Using Participatory Approaches in Agriculture: Farmer Field Schools and Kitchen Gardens

VIP Evan Bartlett: Using Participatory Approaches in Agriculture: Farmer Field Schools and Kitchen Gardens Rwanda, 29 May-28 July 2017 Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) are a …

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The Vital Role of Business in Global Development

The Vital Role of Business in Global Development Removing all barriers to mutually beneficial partnerships is smart business and good for our communities. By David …

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Community Leaders Making a Difference in Brazil

Community Leaders Making a Difference in Brazil The Global Communities Brasil Sowing Futures program is strengthening neighborhoods in Horizontina by identifying and building the capacity of community leaders. In these …

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Cooperation Among Ugandan Farmers: Cultivating Social Capital

Cooperation Among Ugandan Farmers: Cultivating Social Capital RESEARCH ARTICLE: J.L. Morrow, Jr., Richard Patrick Joyce III, William J. McMahon, Antonio M. DeMaia, S. Caleb McVicker, …

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Brazil Sowing Futures: Bathroom Remodeling Creates Awareness and Unity Within Community

Bathroom Remodeling Creates Awareness and Unity Within Community Rehabilitation Action took place at the Deolinda Maneira Severo School, in the Jardim Oliveira Camargo neighborhood, in …

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The Soccer School that Teaches More than a Sport: Respect, Friendship and Unity

The Soccer School that Teaches More than a Sport: Respect, Friendship and Unity Lusinir Martins Chaves, 25 years old, has moved neighborhood, city and state …

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Global Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges

Global Communities Moline: Floreciente Association Emerges Floreciente is a largely Hispanic, lower-income neighborhood in Moline, IL. The close-knit area has a history of organizing around cultural …

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AIMS Program: Developing the Horticulture Sector in Malawi

AIMS Program: Developing the Horticulture Sector in Malawi By Deborah Kafanikhale The USDA-funded Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) program, implemented by Global Communities (GC) …

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Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest

Honduran Farmers Prize Rainwater as Most Precious Harvest Improving prospects for farmers who struggle to produce food through years of drought may also help stem …

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Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya

Combating Food Insecurity in Kenya Earlier this month, the Government of Kenya declared a drought emergency, placing the number affected by food insecurity at more …

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Cooperatives: Building Success Together

Cooperatives: Building Success Together With over 60 years of experience in building capacity around the world, Global Communities focuses on the five key dimensions of …

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Agriculture & Food Security Programming

Agriculture & Food Security Programming Global Communities’ agriculture and food security programs aim to improve livelihoods through increasing agricultural production and sales and enhancing food security …

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