Food Security & Agriculture

Igniting Children’s Potential, One Bite at a Time: Reflections from the International Food Aid Showcase

By Paula Rudnicka, Sr. Manager for Public Affairs   Last month, Global Communities participated in the 2024 International Food Aid Showcase at the United States Department …

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The Role of Mianatra in Enhancing School Attendance and Health in Madagascar

Until early 2023, EPP Toby Mahatsinjo, a primary school in the chronically food insecure Androy region of Madagascar, faced significant challenges related to water, sanitation and …

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Guatemalan School Kitchens Reopen After COVID-19 Shutdown

By Chloe Pan For the first time in nearly four years, school meals are once again being prepared in Guatemalan school kitchens following their total …

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First School Meals Served up in Madagascar

By Chloe Pan On February 6, 2023, Global Communities and its consortium of partners in Madagascar served the first school meals supported by Mianatra (“Learn” …

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Global Communities Tanzania Partners with USDA to Boost Literacy Rates through School Feeding Program

Earlier this month, Global Communities Tanzania launched Pamoja Tuwalishe (Together, Let’s Feed Them), the next phase of its U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded McGovern-Dole International …

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Sowing Futures and Lots of Hope in Argentina

By: Sergio Scheffer and Natalia Lopez-Thismon Translated by: Samuel Lau In the peripheral neighborhoods of cities in Argentina, it is not uncommon to find large …

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Confronting Climate Change with Bold, Community-Based Actions

By Tanner Roark Climate change is here. It can be seen in every corner of the world, from heatwaves in India and winter storms in …

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Increasing the Climate Resilience and Productivity of Emerging Farmers in Zambia

In Zambia, agriculture is a key employment sector and one that is essential to local food security. However, emerging farmers are facing many challenges, including …

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Strengthening School Feeding Systems in Tanzania

For the past 10 years, PCI, a Global Communities Partner, has implemented integrated school feeding programs that help deliver essential nutrition, education, health and development …

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School WASH Protects Students and Promotes Healthy Learning

Almost half of schools worldwide have no hand-washing facilities and around one-third of schools do not have safe water supplies or adequate sanitation (WHO/Unicef 2020). …

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Waterloo Community Needs Assessment

Global Communities was asked by John Deere to design and conduct a participatory community needs assessment in Waterloo, Iowa in partnership with local community members …

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Learning to Collaborate Through Sowing Futures in Argentina

“While Manuel has always been the type of student to speak up in front of his peers, his class is not very diverse in terms …

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Joining Forces Against the COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanzania

In a bold effort to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Tanzania, PCI Tanzania and the Mara regional government have teamed up to jointly implement interventions …

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Millennium Water Alliance Welcomes Global Communities as Newest Member

This press release was originally published on the Millennium Water Alliance website. Washington, DC, October 28, 2020 – The Millennium Water Alliance Board of Directors …

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Pandemic response in Granadero Baigorria Leads to Strong Bonds and Cooperative Efforts

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought growing challenges to communities around the world. Many vulnerable communities and citizens are stuck in a state of social isolation …

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Guatemalan Youths Cultivating Hope in the Face of COVID-19

For five consecutive years, farming families in the dry corridor of western Guatemala have watched their primary sources of income and food wither and die …

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Transforming Fatherhood in Rural Tanzania

New ideas about what it means to be a father and husband are beginning to take root in rural villages of Tanzania. To know this, …

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Communities and COVID-19 Recovery Policy Implementation: Learning From The Example of Rainwater Harvesting Systems In Honduras

By José Eguigure The article was originally published at As a current student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS), I attended a virtual session called …

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